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Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a good leader?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a good leader?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a good leader?
11.4 Pax Romana pp. 328 – 333 Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a good leader?

2 The Rule of Augustus Pax Romana “Roman Peace”
200 years of peace and prosperity Height of Rome’s power Ended c.180 A.D.


4 What Reforms Did Augustus Make?
Permanent professional army Praetorian Guard (9,000 men to guard him) Empire’s boundaries were along natural physical features Made it easier to defend Rebuilt buildings Improved government Proconsul oversaw provinces Tax collectors were made government officials Changed the legal system Gave grain to the poor

5 Emperors After Augustus

6 Titus, defeated Jewish rebels and destroyed the temple

7 The Colosseum

8 A.D. 79 – Mount Vesuvius destroys Pompeii

9 Five Good Emperors

10 Aqueduct Click here: The awn of Plumbing

11 A United Empire A. D. 100’s Empire was almost the size of the United States A.D. 212 every free person was a citizen Treated the same under Roman laws

12 Ancient Roman Roads

13 The Empire’s Economy

14 Essential Question List 5 things Caesar Augustus did that made him a good leader Choose one Roman leader that was not good and explain why. Choose another Roman leader that was good and explain why.

15 Letter: Dearest _____, You are an ordinary Roman citizen living in Rome around A.D You own a small farm. Write a letter to a family member living in faraway Alexandria, Egypt. Tell them about how the Roman Empire has changed in the last 100 years. As an ordinary citizen, explain in detail which change affects you most. With all my love, ___________

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