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Infection Control Techniques
Learning Outcomes At the conclusion of today’s class I CAN:
10) Demonstrate mastery of concepts and skills related to asepsis, Universal Precautions, sanitation, disinfection, and sterilization for patient/client care settings in adherence to standards and guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in a lab/clinical setting. (TN Reading 3) At the conclusion of today’s class I CAN: Define key terms related to infection control Compare and contrast sanitation disinfection and sterilization Describe the significance of the CDC and OSHA related to workplace safety in healthcare
Introduction Patients coming to the office for treatment may be more susceptible to infections Immunizations and patient education are important methods of infection control You will be introduced to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, the Blood-Borne Pathogen Standard, reporting guidelines, and isolation procedures.
Employee’s Role in Infection Control
To control infectious diseases, the cycle of infection must be broken Apply principles of infection control in workplace setting
Employee’s Role in Infection Control (cont.)
Follow correct sanitization, disinfection, and sterilization procedures Help patients understand basic disease prevention Educate patients about immunizations Administer immunizations
Correct! Apply Your Knowledge
What is the role of the healthcare professional in controlling infection in the medical office? ANSWER: To apply principles of infection control by following correct sanitization, disinfection, and sterilization procedures. Correct!
Infection Control Methods
Eliminate elements needed for disease to occur Knowledge of Medical asepsis Based on cleanliness As few microorganisms as possible Surgical asepsis Sterile environment No microorganisms
Medical Asepsis Keep work area clean:
Reception area: sick vs. well patients Reception room clean, well lit, and ventilated No sick visitors in hospital Limit visitors during cold and flu season Keep furniture in good repair Strict “no food or drink” policy Empty trash as necessary
Medical Asepsis (cont.)
Hand washing Beginning of day After breaks Before and after each patient Before and after handling equipment or specimens After blowing your nose or coughing Before and after eating
Medical Asepsis (cont.)
Other precautions Avoid leaning against sinks, supplies, equipment Avoid touching your face and mouth Use tissues when you cough or sneeze, and always wash your hands afterward Avoid working directly with patients when you have a cold; wear gloves and mask if you must Stay home if you have a fever
Apply Your Knowledge Good Answer!
Describe the difference between medical and surgical asepsis. ANSWER: Medical asepsis is based on cleanliness and reducing the number of microorganisms as much as possible. Surgical asepsis is maintaining a sterile environment by eliminating all microorganisms. Good Answer!
Sanitation Used to promote health and prevent disease.
the process of keeping places free from dirt, infection, disease, etc., by removing waste, trash and garbage, by cleaning streets, etc.
Sanitization Scrubbing with a brush and detergent to remove blood, mucus, and other contaminants or media where pathogens can grow For cleaning items that touch only healthy, intact skin OR First step in disinfection and sterilization for other equipment
Sanitization (cont.) Rubber and plastic items
Collect items for sanitization Place in water and special detergent solution Use utility gloves Separate sharps from other equipment Scrub items Follow manufacturers’ guidelines Dry thoroughly Examine carefully Rubber and plastic items Syringes and needles – use disposable whenever possible
Nice Job! Apply Your Knowledge
What is sanitation, and what types of items is it adequate for cleaning? ANSWER: Sanitation is scrubbing with a brush and detergent to remove blood, mucus, and other contaminants or media where pathogens can grow. It is adequate for cleaning items that touch only healthy, intact skin. Can also include removing trash. Nice Job!
Disinfection Adequate for instruments that do not penetrate skin or mucous membranes and surfaces not considered sterile OR Second step in infection control prior to sterilization Will not kill spores, certain viruses
Disinfection (cont.) Using disinfectants
Cleaning products applied to inanimate materials to reduce or eliminate infectious organisms Antiseptics are anti- infective cleaning agents used on human tissue Follow manufacturers’ guidelines
Disinfection (cont.) Factors impacting effectiveness of disinfectants
Number of times solution is used Wet items – surface moisture may dilute solution Traces of soap left from sanitization – alters chemical composition Evaporation
Disinfection (cont.) Choose the correct disinfectant
Germicidal soap products Alcohol Acid products Formaldehyde Glutaraldehyde – “cold disinfection” Bleach Iodine and iodine compounds
Disinfection (cont.) Handling disinfected supplies
Prevent contamination with other surfaces Use sterile transfer forceps Wear gloves Store in clean, moisture-free environment
Apply Your Knowledge Excellent!
What is the difference between a disinfectant and an antiseptic? ANSWER: Disinfectants are cleaning products applied to inanimate materials to reduce or eliminate infectious organisms. Antiseptics are anti-infective cleaning agents used on human tissue. Excellent!
Surgical Asepsis Goal is to keep the surgical environment completely free of all microorganisms Used for even minor operations and injections Surgical includes ANYTHING that penetrates the skin The more extensive the procedure, the greater the risk of infection
Sterilization Required for all instruments or supplies that
Penetrate the skin Contact normally sterile areas of the body Object is either sterile or not sterile If unsure of sterility, consider it not sterile Prior to sterilization Sanitize Disinfect
The Autoclave Primary method of sterilization Pressurized steam
Operates at lower temperatures than dry heat sterilization Moisture causes coagulation of proteins in microorganisms at lower temperatures Cell walls burst when cell cools, killing the microorganism
The Autoclave (cont.) Prevent incomplete sterilization Timing
Correct timing Adequate temperature Properly wrapped packs Adequate steam levels Timing Preset for load types Use sterilization indicators
The Autoclave (cont.) Temperature Do not overcrowd autoclave
Too high – steam too little moisture Too low – steam too much moisture Do not overcrowd autoclave Steam level If incorrect, items will not be sterile at end of cycle
Sterile Technique Strict adherence to set order of procedures
Sterile against sterile Clean against clean Unclean against unclean Surgical scrub Never skimp on a surgical scrub!
Surgical Asepsis During surgical procedures
Do not touch sterile items without sterile gloves or transfer forceps Aseptic technique Throughout surgical procedures Caring for surgical wounds
Surgical Asepsis (cont.)
After procedures Sanitize, disinfect, and sterilize reusable items Disinfect surfaces Waste disposal Biohazard waste containers Leak-proof containers either color-coded red or labeled with biohazard symbol Biohazardous materials Biological agents that can spread disease to living things
Apply Your Knowledge 1. What items need to be sterilized?
ANSWER: Sterilization is required for all instruments or supplies that penetrate the skin or come in contact with normally sterile areas of the body.
Right! Apply Your Knowledge
2. The physician is going to remove a small growth from your patient’s back. In order to prepare for this procedure, what steps would you take to prevent the spread of infection? ANSWER: Use medical asepsis while preparing the patient, and then use surgical asepsis during the procedure. Right!
OSHA Guidelines Blood-Borne Pathogen Standards
Protect health-care workers from health hazards on the job Also protect patients and others who come to medical facilities Dictate how to handle infectious or potentially infectious wastes Discarded Held for processing Blood-borne pathogens can enter the skin through any opening, break in skin, or mucous membranes
OSHA Guidelines (cont.)
Blood-Borne Pathogen Standards Measures to prevent the spread of infection Provide a margin of safety by ensuring that medical facilities meet minimal standards for asepsis Requirements for training, keeping records, housekeeping, and personal protective gear
OSHA Guidelines (cont.)
Universal Precautions Prevent health-care workers from exposure to infections Assume that all blood and body fluids are infected with blood-borne pathogens
OSHA Guidelines (cont.)
Standard Precautions Combination of Universal Precautions and Body Substance Isolation guidelines Used in health-care facilities to prevent transmission of disease
OSHA Guidelines (cont.)
Categories of tasks Tasks that expose a worker to blood, body fluids, or tissues and require specific protective measures Tasks that usually do not involve risk of exposure but require precautions in certain situations Tasks that have no risk of exposure, so no special protection is required
Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette
Guidelines established by CDC Education Posting signs Controlling source or transmission Proper hand hygiene Separating patients with respiratory infections from other patients
BBP Safety Flush your eyes for 10 minute if blood or potentially infectious materials are splashed into your eye Always dispose of sharps in approved container NEVER EVER RECAP Use ¼ cup bleach:1 gal water to effectively decontaminate most surfaces. Leave for 10 minutes
Personal Protective Equipment
Protective gear worn to protect against physical hazards Employers must provide PPE at no charge to the employee Disposable, sterile exam and utility gloves Masks and protective eyewear or face shields Protective clothing
Postprocedure Cleanup
Decontaminate all exposed surfaces Replace protective coverings on surfaces or equipment Decontaminate receptacles Pick up any broken glass with tongs Discard all potentially infectious waste materials
OSHA Guidelines (cont.)
Apply guidelines daily on the job Exposure incidents Contact with infectious substance Rules apply to all serious infections – HIV, HBV HBV vaccine Transmission to patients Nosocomial infection – an infection acquired by a patient in a health-care facility
Apply Your Knowledge OSHA divides medical tasks by level of risk. What are these risk categories? ANSWER: There are three categories of risk: Category 1: Expose a worker to blood, body fluids, or tissues and require specific protective measures Category 2: Usually do not involve risk of exposure, but precautions are required in certain situations Category 3: No risk of exposure, so no special protection is required
Apply your knowledge Mary was a patient in the hospital after suffering from a broken hip. Two days after admission she began running a fever. She was diagnosed with a Urinary Tract Infection. What type of infection is this? Nosocomial Infection
Reporting Guidelines Certain diseases must be reported to state or county health department Information is forwarded to the CDC – control of the spread of infection
Reporting Guidelines (cont.)
National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (Table 33-2) Examples HIV/AIDS Cholera Rubella Hepatitis Legionellosis Lyme disease Mumps Smallpox Tetanus Tuberculosis
Good Answer! Apply Your Knowledge
How is the information on reportable diseases used by the CDC? ANSWER: The CDC uses the information reported to them to help control the spread of infection. Good Answer!
Isolation Guidelines CDC guidelines
Types of precautions needed Patients requiring precautions Create an environment that protects against pathogens Standard Precautions
Isolation Guidelines (cont.)
Select appropriate PPE Gloves Masks, face shields, respirators Gowns
Nice! Apply Your Knowledge
Mrs. Findley brings her child with chickenpox into the medical office. What type of personal protective equipment should you use when caring for this child? ANSWER: Chickenpox requires airborne and contact precautions, so you should use gloves and a mask and goggles or a respirator. Nice!
Immunizations Immunization Reduces risk of infection spread
Administration of a vaccine or toxoid to protect susceptible individuals from infectious diseases Reduces risk of infection spread Decreases the susceptibility of the host
Immunizations (cont.) When administering, you must explain
The need for immunization Side effects Soreness at site Low-grade fever General malaise
Immunizations (cont.) Concerns Pediatric patients
Do not give if child has a high grade fever Informed consent – explain benefits and risks Contraindications – symptoms that render the use of a remedy or procedure inadvisable because of the risk What would be contraindications for vaccines? Immunization records National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1988 Instruct parents keep record as proof of immunization
Immunizations (cont.) Pregnant patients Elderly
Avoid live virus vaccines FDA categories A, B, C, D, and X Elderly Dispel common misconception and cost concerns More likely to develop side effects
Immunizations (cont.) Immunocompromised patients Health-care workers
May experience minimal to dangerous effects Adjust dosage or delay administration Must also consider immunization status of family and caregivers Health-care workers Hepatitis B vaccination offered by employer at no cost to employee
Apply Your Knowledge Great! What is an immunization?
ANSWER: An immunization is the administration of a vaccine or toxoid to protect susceptible individuals from infectious diseases. Great!
Preventing Disease Transmission
Educate patient on Nutrition and diet Exercise and weight control Prevention of STDs Smoking cessation Alcohol and drug abuse prevention and treatment Proper use of medications and prescribed treatments Stress-reduction techniques
Preventing Disease Transmission (cont.)
Goal of patient education Help patients take care of themselves Encourage patients to participate actively in their own health care
Bravo! Apply Your Knowledge What is the goal of patient education?
ANSWER: Help patients take care of themselves. Empowering the patient! Bravo!
Apply your knowledge How is the spread of infectious diseases stopped?
Answer: Break any chain in the chain of infection
Think.Pair.Share. Compare and contrast medical and surgical asepsis.
Apply your knowledge Annie works as a nursing tech in the hospital. She is cleaning the over-the-bed tray with cleaning wipes before placing the patient’s food tray on it. Is Annie using sterilization, disinfection or sanitation? Answer: disinfection Before Annie leaves the room she notices the trash can is full and removes the bag. What practice is in place? Answer: Sanitation
Apply your knowledge Which of the following would not require surgical asepsis? Caring for a wound two days post op Starting a new IV Removing head lice from a patient Removing a mole from a patient Answer: Removing head lice from a patient
Apply your knowledge What type of PPE would be required to care for a patient with TB, an airborne disease? Mask (respirator), gloves
Apply your knowledge What vaccine must be offered to you free of charge in any healthcare facility? Answer: Hepatitis B
Apply your knowledge Which disease is NOT required to be reported to the CDC? HIV Small Pox Influenza Tetanus Answer: Influenza
Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run.
~ Mark Twain
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