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Hydropower By: Haley Brown.

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1 Hydropower By: Haley Brown

2 World and US usage of hydropower

3 Benefits and Disadvantages of Hydropower
Hydropower is fueled by water, so it is a clean fuel source. Hydroelectric power is a domestic source of energy, allowing each state to produce their own energy without being reliant on international fuel sources. The energy generated through hydropower relies on the water cycle, which is driven by the sun, making it a renewable power source, it's also a more reliable and a cheap source  of energy then fossil fuels. Hydropower plants can generate power to the grid immediately. Hydropower efforts produce a number of benefits, such as flood control, irrigation, and water supply. Setting up a hydropower plant increases awareness of the areas nearby. Focus turns to animal species and ecosystems of the surrounding areas. DISADVANTAGES Huge projects also involve great risks- risk of rupture... Sabotage or terrorism threats to the safety area is another drawback of water power Construction of hydropower can lead to imbalances in ecosystems and landscape change Water accumulation can lead to thermal and chemical changes, in the depth of the reservoirs

4 Why this energy the best to use
 This is the best choice for a renewable energy source because we get this from water, which nature makes is renewed a lot because of the water cycle because of evaporation and condentation . This makes it a more renewable and more reliable energy source. 

5 U.S Usage vs World Usage U.S Usage World Usage  

6 Wind Energy By: Majdi Dardas

7 Pros and Cons of Wind Energy
Clean energy (no chemicals) Renewable Least expensive source of energy Does not cause pollution The wind may not blow some days Limited building space May harm birds Unreliable  May cause serious damage in storms 

8 When and where is wind energy the best source to use?
Wind power is the use of air flow through wind turbines to provide the mechanical power to turn electric generators. Wind energy is mainly used near farms. Wind energy could be the best source of energy to use when you have endangered species in the environment who are sensitive to the burning of fossil fuels. This could give them time to recover and help unpollute the environment.

9 Solar energy BY: Kayla Mackey

10 What is solar energy??? Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics, indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a combination.

11 Benefits of Using solar power
Solar power systems derive clean, pure energy from the sun. Traditional electricity is sourced from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. ... Renewable energy also improves public health.

12 According to a study by the Solar Energy Industries Association and GTM Research, 878 megawatts (MW) of photovoltaic (PV) capacity and 78 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP) were installed in theU.S. in 2010, enough to power roughly 200,000 homes. 


14 Why Using Solar Power Would Be the Best.
Increased electric system reliability An emergency supply of power Reduction of peak power requirements Offsets to investments in generation, transmission, or distribution facilities that would otherwise be recovered through rates Provision of ancillary services, including reactive power Improvements in power quality Reductions in land-use effects and rights-of-way acquisition costs


16 Disadvantages of using solar power
Solar is a renewable resource and does not emit any greenhouse gases in the energygeneration process. However, the cost of solar in relation to other fuel sources is a barrier to adoption. Additionally, sunlight varies depending on geographic location, season, and time of day, which all creates limitations on its use.









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