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Understanding the Role of Core Partners

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1 Understanding the Role of Core Partners
on the Workforce Development Board

2 WIOA places a strong emphasis on planning across multiple partner programs to ensure alignment in service delivery. One key goal is to develop effective partnerships across programs and community-based providers to provide individuals the employment, education, and training services they need.

3 WIOA Core Program Partners
WIOA Title I. B: Adult, Dislocated Workers & Youth WIOA Title II: Adult Education and Literacy WIOA Title III: Wagner-Peyser WIOA Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation

4 Workforce Board Membership
Private Business (51%) Workforce & Labor Education & Training Gov. & Economic Development – Not less than 20%. Labor Organizations, Apprenticeships, CBO’s other w/experience in employment training or educational needs of youth. Education & Training – Adult Ed, Post-Secondary, other educational agencies and CBO’s w/experience training those w/barriers. Gov & ED – Ed, Wagner-Peyser, GVRA, transportation, housing, public assistance & other org. Government & Economic Development

5 WIOA Required One-Stop Partners
WIOA Section 121(b)(1)(B) Required Department of Labor Programs WIOA Title I Programs: Adult, Dislocated Worker & Youth Formula Programs Job Corps Youth Build Native American Programs Migrant Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFW) (includes the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Services (ES) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Unemployment Compensation Programs (UI) Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

6 WIOA Required One-Stop Partners
Required Department of Education Programs Adult Education & Family Literacy (AEFLA) Career and Technical Education Programs (Carl Perkins) Vocational Rehabilitation Programs Required Department of Health & Human Services Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Community Services Block Grant Employment & Training Required Department of Housing & Urban Dev. Employment & Training Programs

7 Partnerships Common Performance Measures Single State Unified Plan
Regional Planning Increasing & Integrating Customer Service System Planning & Program Alignment Sharing Customers & Costs Engaging Employers/Providing Business Svcs.

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