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Second Grade October Preston Pride Reminders Important Dates:

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1 Second Grade October 1 - 5 Preston Pride Reminders Important Dates:
October 1st-5th Custodian Appreciation week Book Fair Week!!!!! October 2nd Muffins with Moms 7-7:30am October 3rd Enchanted Reading Night 5-7pm October 8th – 9th No School! Fall Break! October 10th Walk to School Day! Goals for this week: Math We will generate numbers greater than and less than 100. I will compare numbers greater than and less than 100. We will determine whether a number up to 40 is even or odd. I will use concrete objects to determine if the objects have a “partner.” Reading We will use the author’s craft in our writings. I will think about how a whole book clicks together and notice masterful writing. Writing We will study and apply our favorite authors’ craft moves. We will revise a craft move so that it enhances the meaning of our stories I will use prepositions and phrases in my writing. Science We will discuss how changes in the amount of sound can affect objects. I will investigate and observe changes in sound energy. Social Studies We will identify the choices between wants and needs. I will compare goods and services. Word Work We will decode words with y as a consonant or a vowel. I will spell words with y as a consonant or a vowel. *Thank YOU so much for Your generosity for Custodian Appreciation! Follow us on Twitter @HaddenPreston2 @Herbert2ndGrade @MaurerPreston2 @hhaleypreston2 @AMcC2ndPreston Reminders Homework: Read every night for 20 mins. We need jar lids for a Science project! Please send in any jar lids (like from a pickle jar or spaghetti sauce jar, etc). If your child brings a jacket to school, please write his/her name in it! Please watch for a blue Veteran’s Day letter coming home in Tues folder!!! Preston Pride

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