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Faculty Meeting GT ID Staff Development

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1 Faculty Meeting GT ID Staff Development
4/4/2019 Gifted & Talented Nomination and Identification Process Agenda Definitions of Giftedness GT Procedural Chart Bright Child or Gifted Child Activity Nomination Packet Deadline

2 TEXAS State Definition of Gifted
Faculty Meeting GT ID Staff Development 4/4/2019 TEXAS State Definition of Gifted Chapter 29. Educational Programs Subchapter D. Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students ¤ Definition In this subchapter, "gifted and talented students" means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excels in a specific academic field.

3 Fifteen Student Characteristics of Potential Giftedness
Student’s use of language. Quality of student’s questions. Quality of examples, illustrations, or elaborations that a student uses in explaining some thing or in describing events or in telling stories. Student’s use of quantitative expressions and quantitative reasoning. Student’s ability to devise or adopt a systematic strategy for solving problems and to change the strategy if it is not working. Special skills students exhibit that are unusual for their age or grade. Student’s innovative use of common materials in the classroom or outside of it. Student’s breadth of information. Student’s depth of information in a particular area. Student ’s collections of materials or hobbies. Student’s persistence on uncompleted tasks. Student’s absorption in intellectual tasks. Extensiveness of student’s exploratory behavior. Student’s criticalness of his or her own performance. Student’s preferences for complexity, difficulty, and novelty in tasks. Adapted from Elizabeth Hagen, Identification of the Gifted: pgs

4 Characteristics of the GT Student
Learns more rapidly Stronger need to know (curious) Superior communication skills Longer attention span Perceives more unusual relationships Sees/creates patterns More intense interests More intellectually playful Better at sensing discrepancies Better retention of information More imaginative

5 Characteristics of the GT mathematics student:
Solves problems, yet sometimes not able to explain procedures. Performs computations easily and accurately, but resists extensive calculating Hypothesizes frequently, seems to make leaps in mathematical reasoning. Works a long time on challenging problems although there may be no solution (e.g., trisecting an angle) Works easily with technology (e.g., calculators, computers) and/or other measuring device. Is preoccupied with scales, statistics, records (e.g., the first, highest, the most in athletics, music trivia) almanacs, globes, maps. Devises own languages, codes, and number systems. Is sensitive to patterns in shapes, intervals of music and numerals; patterns in nature. Has the ability to translate the unfamiliar abstraction into a familiar form (e.g., converting an algebraic idea into his/her own formula or a feeling into a simile or a metaphor). Can translate the familiar into an abstraction. Intuitively solves seemingly difficult problems (such as in mathematics) mentally. Computes answers in a non-traditional manner. Uses unusual techniques in problem solving.

6 Characteristics of the GT Language Arts Students
Possesses an extensive vocabulary Has a keen power of observation Has a good memory Perceives abstract ideas rapidly Has an ability to portray to others feelings, actions, personalities, and situations Possesses creativity and inventiveness Has varied interests Has a sense of humor; demonstrates an intellectual playfulness with words Writes fluently with insight and strong personal voice Sees relationships among apparently unrelated ideas Reads avidly ( may have been an early reader)


Knows the answers.                                 Asks the questions. Is interested.                                                Is highly curious. Is attentive.                                                  Is mentally and physically involved. Has good ideas.                                          Has wild, silly ideas. Works hard.                                                Plays around, yet tests well. Answers the questions.                             Discusses in detail, elaborates. Top group.                                                   Beyond the group. Listens with interest.                                   Shows strong feelings and opinions. Learns with ease.                                         Already knows. 6-8 repetitions for mastery.                        1-2 repetitions for mastery. Understands ideas.                                     Constructs abstractions. Enjoys peers.                                               Prefers adults. Grasps the meaning.                                   Draws inferences. Completes assignments.                            Initiates projects. Is receptive.                                                Is intense.                               Copies accurately.                                     Creates a new design. Enjoys school.                                            Enjoys learning.                                Absorbs information.                                Manipulates information.                        Technician.                                                  Inventor. Good memorizer.                                         Good guesser. Enjoys simple, sequential lesson.            Thrives on complexity. Is alert.                                                         Is keenly observant. Is pleased with own learning.                  Is highly self-critical.  (sort & match activity)

9 GT Nomination Packet K-2nd English and Spanish forms
3rd-12th English and Spanish forms Nomination for Gifted Services Creative/Divergent Thinking Checklist Parent Questionnaire Teacher Questionnaire Permission to Test

10 Bertha Ortiz Advanced Academics Specialist Ext. 1084
Kinder Nominations due to Advanced Academics Specialist on Dec. 3, 2018 1st – 12th grade Nominations due to Jan. 7, 2019 Bertha Ortiz Advanced Academics Specialist Ext. 1084

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