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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a-2c 马房山中学 李智榕.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a-2c 马房山中学 李智榕."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a-2c 马房山中学 李智榕

2 How often do you watch TV? What's your favorite TV show?
Warming-up Do you like watching TV? How often do you watch TV? What's your favorite TV show?

3 Animal World Do you know any other TV show ?

4 New words sitcom n. 情景喜剧 cartoon show卡通节目

5 documentary 纪录片

6 night news evening news 晚间新闻 news n. 新闻节目; 新闻 morning news 早间新闻

7 soap opera 肥皂剧

8 talk show 脱口秀

9 game show 游戏节目

10 talent show 达人秀

11 sports show 体育节目

12 game show soap opera news sitcom sports show talk show talent show

13 What do you think of the TV shows?
I love game shows. I don’t mind sports shows. I like soap operas. v. 介意;对(某事)烦恼

14 I can’t stand talk shows.
I don’t like talent shows. v. 忍受;站立


16 news cartoon show sports show talk show sitcom

17 Pair work: talk about TV shows
news sitcoms game shows talent shows soap operas sports shows talk shows cartoon shows documentaries Pair work: talk about TV shows A: What do you want to watch? B: I want to watch .... A: What do you think of them? B: Well,.... I love them. They're funny. I like them. ... I don't mind them. ... I don't like them. ... I can't stand them....

18 expect 期待 plan计划 make a plan制订计划 hope希望 find out查明,弄清

19 Where are they? What are they doing? They are at home. They are watching TV. What are they probably talking about? They are probably talking about TV shows.

20 Listen and choose the right answers.
1. Sally likes to watch________ or talk shows. A. the news B. sitcoms C. game shows 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn great jokes from ______. A. sitcoms B. cartoon shows C. talent shows 3. Sally thinks ___________ are more educational than sitcoms. A. talk shows B. talent shows C. game shows 4. Days of Our Past is a _______. A. game show B. soap opera C. sitcom adj. 教育的,有教育意义的

21 Group work: Why do you like the TV show best?
You are talking about TV shows with your friends. You may start like this: A: I love watching news best. Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. What about you? B: I like Jinxing show best. A&C&D: What is it? B: It's a talk show. Jinxing is a host in it. And she will invite some famous people to the show, so I can learn their stories and experience. D: That sounds great! My favorite TV show is... E: .....

22 What do you think of TV shows?
I think... news sitcoms game shows talk shows talent shows sports shows soap operas cartoon shows documentaries find out what happens around us a great way to relax and I can learn some funny jokes try to guess the answers to the questions... learn famous people's stories and ideas know some interesting people and their special skills know the results of sports games first and they are exciting enjoy the story and learn the dressing styles interesting and colorful educational and teach me a lot

23 Emotional aims Watching TV shows is a good way to relax, but we should make a good plan about it. Don’t spend too much time on it. Take care of your eyes.

24 Summary Check the words. 情景喜剧__________ 新闻______________
情景喜剧__________ 新闻______________ 肥皂剧____________ 达人秀____________ 游戏节目__________ 运动节目__________ 卡通节目__________ 纪录片____________ 介意______________ 忍受______________ 希望______________ 打算,计划_________ 教育的,有教育意义的_____________ 查明,弄清_______________________

25 2. Check the sentences. 1. 你认为

26 5.我喜欢看新闻。 ___________________________________ 6.因为我希望弄清楚世界各地正在发生什么。 7.你今天晚上打算看电视吗?

27 Homework Finish the exercises on your paper.
Remember the words and sentence patterns after class.


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