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Social/Social Studies/Math

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Presentation on theme: "Social/Social Studies/Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social/Social Studies/Math
Circle Time Routines First Circle Social/Social Studies/Math Second Circle ABC Circle/Science Morning Song Greeting our Friends Social Lesson Song Morning Message (Math) Math Lesson Transition to Wash hands for Breakfast Movement Song ABC Song Language/Lit Lesson Morning Message (ABC) Book Reading Transition Game to Wash hands for Snack

2 the Changing July Writing Center Math Center Dramatic Play
Theme: _____________________ Writing Center Math Center Introduce Color Around the Room How far can you FLY? Shapes Circle and Square Assessment on Measurement Block Center Dramatic Play Add Peg Dolls to Block Center Create a super friend birthday party. Add capes & mask Birthday party supplies And Party Decorations No need to paint just add felt capes

3 Making Super Friend Birthday Cupcakes
Keeping them engaged Centers Date: _____________________ Science Center Sensory Table Making Super Friend Birthday Cupcakes The power of gravity Play Dough Art Center Birthday Cupcakes Add Cupcake liners Candles Decorations Paper bag cape making ^Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers

4 Social /Social Studies /Math Circle
Theme:____________ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Social /Social Studies /Math Circle ABC Circle/Science Social Skills Asking for what you need Role Model with Teachers Math Patterns & Algebra sort objects by color Transition: Hoop hop, plank walk Social Science Geometry demonstrate Top Middle Bottom Take Me Out to the Ball Park (Ball Catch) Sharing and Working Together. Read: Social Study Are you a Super Buddy? ABC Alphabet Recognition: Introduce the Letter Ff Tunnel Crawl Science Stepping Stones through the tunnel Print Awareness Distinguish Print Picture, Letter, Word Gravity Which one with hit the ground first’ Feather or cork Balloon or ball Cotton Ball or Feather Phonological Rhyming Words

5 Social /Social Studies /Math Circle
Thursday Friday Worktime Social /Social Studies /Math Circle ABC Circle/Science Social Skills Asking for what you need Math Patterns & Algebra Sort objects by colors Transition: Take Me Out to the Ball Park (Ball Catch) Geometry Demonstrate Top Middle Bottom Hoop hop, plank walk Super Friend Art Letter S for Super Friend . ABC Read: Stepping Stones through the tunnel Shared Writing Sentence Frame What Friends Do: Make a List Tunnel Crawl Phonological Rhyming Words

6 September Draw Person and Name Writing
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Small Group Counting Super Friends Assessment Find and Stamp Shape Match September Draw Person and Name Writing Blue Yellow Green Rotate activities How many Supper Friends Tall Peel and Stick

7 If I was a Super Hero I would ____________.
Thursday Friday Notes Small Group Rainbow Write first Letter of Name Pair & Share If I was a Super Hero I would ____________. Make an AB pattern Lakeshore Kids

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