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Feb 4 Silent reading – get a book please

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Presentation on theme: "Feb 4 Silent reading – get a book please"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feb 4 Silent reading – get a book please Hand in student information sheet Hand in signed portion of your course outline

2 Persuasion

3 Suzuki
This is the famous speech by Severn Suzuki when she was 12 years old in 1992 to United Nations

4 Student - Breakfast
OWEN Wilson – Movie classroom speech

5 Ethos, Logos, Pathos Ethos
-relating to the audience and building credibility Logos -logical appeals that are filled with great reasoning (good evidence) Pathos -emotional appeal; positive or emotional feelings

6 Ethos, Logos, Pathos Sample ads
50 cent The Force, VW: compilation Best tv speeches:

7 PSA Texting: (do not show – WAY WAY too upsetting) Eyes open bullying video: Bullying student message: YSB:

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