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Scientific Method: The Milk Lab

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1 Scientific Method: The Milk Lab

2 Seat 1 - Go to front table and get cup of milk
Seat 1 - Go to front table and get cup of milk. Return to your table and set it in the middle of the table. Seat 3– Go to metal tray table and get one tray of supplies. Give each person one empty petri dish and a toothpick. Set the other supplies between your two groups.

3 Petri dish filled with milk
1 drop of food coloring Toothpick with soap Petri dish filled with milk

4 On your lined lab write up sheet, write WIS (What I See)
Record your observations of petri dish before you add soap and after you add soap (use both sketches and words). Use complete sentences. WIM (What it Means) – Discuss with your lab partner what you think it means, then write what you think your observations mean (what do you think is causing your observations?) Write your ideas on your lab write up.

5 Seat 4 – Go throw away used toothpicks and take cup of milk back to the front table
Seat 2 – Put everything neatly back into the bin, swing by the front table and pick up four new toothpicks to put into the bin, and then put the bin back into the rack

6 What are some questions that you have about this investigation
What are some questions that you have about this investigation? List 5 questions that begin with “What would happen if…?” Decide on one variable that you would like to alter before running the experiment again. Name that variable. “The variable we would like to change is _______ instead of ____________” You may only change one thing – everything else must remain the same Things that may NOT change: toothpick, food coloring, petri dish

7 To Do’s Come and sign up for what change you are making. Only 2 groups may choose the same change, and then you will have to pick something else. Finish WIS/WIM Color WIS?

8 Your First Formal Lab Write Up
Everyone writes up their own, but you will perform the lab together (table groups). You will not be allowed to start on your experiment until your writeup is finished up to the data section.

9 Milk Lab Problem: What happens to the speed of the reaction when we make a change in the Milk Lab? Hypothesis: If I _______________ then the experiment will go _______________ because ______________________________________. Materials: Procedure: Constants/Controlled Variables: (list at least 5) Variables: Manipulated/Independent: Responding/Dependent: Data: Faster/slower reaction Data Table for whole class

10 Analyze Data: use complete sentences
Conclusion: Short Constructed Response –Restate hypothesis –Tell if hypothesis was proven correct/incorrect or results are inconclusive (and explain why according to your data) –Comment on your method and accuracy/precision of data –Suggest an improvement to your experiment Write a WIL (What I Learned)

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