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Helping Us Grow (HUG): Engaging staff, involving families Neonatal Unit Royal Hospital for Children NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Us Grow (HUG): Engaging staff, involving families Neonatal Unit Royal Hospital for Children NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Us Grow (HUG): Engaging staff, involving families Neonatal Unit Royal Hospital for Children NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

2 @huggrhc

3 @huggrhc

4 @huggrhc

5 @huggrhc

6 @huggrhc

7 @huggrhc

8 “A great opportunity to learn and socialise”
“A very emotional session…..” “It’s nice to meet other young mums, to bond and perhaps develop future friendships” @huggrhc

9 @huggrhc

10 “ I love the sessions but I just lose track of time and forget”

11 @huggrhc

12 @huggrhc

13 RHC HUG Parent Stories video here
See video file (50 secs) @huggrhc

14 @huggrhc

15 @huggrhc

16 @huggrhc

17 @huggrhc

18 “Enabling people to make better choices for themselves”

19 @huggrhc

20 Kanagaroo Care Day video 2018
HUG KMC Day 2018 Video (first seconds only) @huggrhc

21 Are you able to be with your baby as much as you want? 56 % 100%
2015 (Pre-HUG) Are you able to be with your baby as much as you want? 56 % 100% Were you made to feel at home in the Neonatal Unit? 83 % 94% Do you feel involved in your baby’s care as much as you would like to be? 76 % 89 % Unicef Baby Friendly Audit @huggrhc

22 @huggrhc

23 @huggrhc

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