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America Recycles Day SM Highlights of State Activities for 2010 January 2011.

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1 America Recycles Day SM Highlights of State Activities for 2010 January 2011

2 ARD Event Highlights – ALASKA Anchorage Recycles Day Flash Mob Over 150 recyclers and 2,000 festival goers participated in the Anchorage Recycles Day Flash Mob and danced to the tune of Jack Johnsons Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! at the Holiday Food and Gift Festival. Check out the Facebook Page created for the event - America Recycles in Anchorage - and see the video. Learn About Recycling - Win a Bike! On Nov. 15, volunteers and residents raised recycling awareness at three Anchorage CARRS Safeway stores where over 1,000 entered to win a Mountain Bike. ARD items, brochures and posters were given away and questions about recycling in Anchorage.

3 Recycled Art Contest - COLORADO Mapleton Expeditionary School of the Arts participated in a recycled art contest. Students collected recycled materials for their projects at the Altogether Recycling Plant in Denver. The winning team of sophomores created a sculpture called Unlikely Places, using discarded glass, wires, shredded soft drink cans and flip-top tabs. The Pueblo City Council officially proclaimed November 15 as America Recycles Day as they honored the winners of the 2010 recycle art contest sponsored by the citizens group, PuebloRecycles.

4 DROP, SHOP, SWAP FEST - FLORIDA Keep Alachua County Beautiful partnered with the University of Florida for the 2 day Drop, Shop and Swap Recycle Fest. People brought in items they no longer needed to exchange for items other people may have brought in. Swap a mop for a top, bop to some hip hop, bring an old file to drop, or just sip some pop. Your trash may be someone elses treasure. Also included was a tour of the Gardens of Gainesville with a reception featuring the Mayor and city and county officials. It is estimated over 100,000 people participated in the event. Keep Pinellas Beautiful conducted Pinellas Recycles Day which included vendors showing ways to recycle and material made from recycled material. It also included activities for the kids, food and live entertainment.

5 School Recycling Launch - GEORGIA Hall County School Wide Recycling Launch System Wide Video Contest Recycling Bins Delivered to ALL Schools in the County Local leaders and elected officials attended an event recognizing local efforts to increase sustainable practices and to support expanded recycling efforts. Recycling Rocks Brunch Rosebud Restaurant/Atlanta-11/13 Non-perishable foods collected in recycled packaging-donated to Community Food bank Trial Run Glass Recycling CD of classic tunes provided to participants All Staff in I recycle T-shirts

6 Recycling Collection - INDIANA Shoe Recycling Collection The successful shoe collection event held in Johnson County included participation from county schools, Franklin Parks & Recreation Department and Greenwood City Building. 109 45 lb. bags of shoes were collected. Schools Collect Recyclables The Carmel Clay Schools hosted a week-long recycling promotion campaign with daily announcements, lesson plans, videos, and recycling drives. Three 53 foot semi-trailers (150,000 pounds) of electronics, paint, lawn mowers and mattresses were collected for recycling.

7 Recycling Phones Benefit Soldiers - MISSISSIPPI Indianola Recycles Day – MDOT worked with INDIANOLA ACADEMY'S VETERAN'S DAY PROGRAM to collect old cell phones and accessories. The proceeds went to "CELLPHONES FOR SOLDIERS" where the money is used for prepaid phone cards for Soldiers! Over 3 FULL truck load of ELECTRONIC WASTE! Watkins Elementary in Jackson held an event which included: Recycled Resources Art Day" using found materials to create artwork. Through Jackson Public School District, Watkins Elementary: instituted a coordinated approach to recycling in district schools; added permanent recycling containers; collected new recyclable; launched a recycling awareness campaign and an America Recycles Day Poster Contest, and had recycling-related business representatives come to district schools to talk with students about recycling.

8 Clean, Green and Beautiful - MISSOURI The Clean, Green and Beautiful program in St. Louis County, hosted the Holiday Recycling Kick-off in conjunction with America Recycles Day. The Clean, Green and Beautiful program continues its mission of promoting citizens to make a difference by encouraging small, simple, daily choices and actions, such as recycling or buying recycled products. Mr. Dooley was also recognized by the Missouri Recycling Association for outstanding government leadership during the event.

9 Proclamation – MISSOURI November 17, 2010 – Governor Jay Nixon presents the 2010 America Recycles Day/Missouri Recycles Day Proclamation to MORA board members at the State Capitol during his Open House Ceremony. Governor Signs ARD/MRD Proclamation

10 New Recycling Company Launch - NEBRASKA ABC Recycling Companys grand opening day was celebrated on America Recycles Day in White Clay, NE, a small village just south of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Four-million cans of beer are sold annually in White Clay. The entrepreneur is a Pine Ridge resident with big dreams of success that will support his family and make a difference in conserving the communitys natural and energy resources. South Sioux City Middle School held a winter coat collection as an ARD event. The students and staff collected 50 winter coats which were recycled to the Gospel Mission to be distributed to those in need.

11 Superheroes visit schools - NEVADA Thanks to volunteers, recycling Superheroes visited six elementary schools to educate 2,400 students on the importance of recycling. Going Green Girl and Mrfy, a talking robot, inspired students through creative education on how and why to recycle in Las Vegas. After the Superhero visits the children signed a recycling pledge banner University of Nevada, Las Vegas celebrates their Homecoming Football game with 16,111 attendees and educated fans on how easy it is to recycle. Beginning with the tailgate party, volunteers walked the parking lots of the stadium collecting recyclables and educating fans. In addition, during the third quarter volunteers collected recyclable during the game.

12 Paper Recycling – NEW HAMPSHIRE Mason Elementary School Fourth Grade Paper Drive In coordination with the national Paper Retriever program, the Fourth Grade at Mason Elementary school held a weeklong Paper Drive to support ARD and to link classroom curriculum to waste prevention topics. Mason Elementarys Paper Drive culminated in the collection of 439 pounds of paper collected at the school and around the community by 110 participants.

13 Waste Watching Challenge – NEW HAMPSHIRE UNH Ecological Advocates Waste Watch Challenge The UNH E-Cats, a long time RecycleMania competitor, used ARD this year as part of a broader campus environmental responsibility campaign called Watch Your Waste which includes solid, electrical, and water waste reduction. The Challenge included a kick off event on Campus followed by a three week environmental competition pit campus dorms against each other and against other colleges across the country.

14 12 th Annual Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival – NEW MEXICO Over 70 vendors participated in the Art Market and Juried Art Exhibit. More than 60 designers strutted their Trash Fashion styles during the Trash Fashion & Costume Contest.

15 Calendar Contest – NEW YORK NY Recycles Poster Contest and Calendar All New York State's public and private school children and youth organizations are invited to showcase their artistic talent and their commitment to the environment by participating in the Annual New York Recycles Poster Contest. This event is sponsored by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York Recycles Steering Committee. The poster contest helps achieve our goal of higher excellence in recycling, composting, and buying recycled products and packaging. Poster contest winners at the Annual Recycling Conference in Cooperstown, NY

16 Recycling Collection – NORTH CAROLINA Kids, Cans and Cash Elementary School Recycling Challenge Guilford County elementary school students collected aluminum cans for two weeks. Schools were rewarded based on the amount of aluminum collected. I Recycle Celebration 1,000 residents participated in Keep NC Beautifuls first one-stop electronics and hazardous waste drive. 83, 951 lbs of paper, electronics, plastic and household hazardous waste were collected.

17 ARD Proclamation – NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota Recycles Day Proclamation Gov. John Hoeven proclaimed Nov. 15, 2010, as North Dakota Recycles Day. North Dakota Recycles Day recognizes the value of waste reduction, composting, reusing products and materials, and purchasing recycled products. Dickinson State Universitys Recycling Committee hosted America Recycles Week Dickinson State Universitys Recycling Committee hosted America Recycles Week, which encouraged faculty, staff, and students to save their recyclables during the week of 15 – 19 November 2010, and to bring the recyclables to the DSU Student Center Ballroom.

18 Eco Art Show - OHIO Marion County Recycling & Litter Prevention The Eco-Art Show had: 18 vendors 400 visitors Lots of artsy fun Theme: Shop local, shop green Supporters: Chamber of Commerce, elected officials, Art teachers and local businesses. For example, a wonderful caterer provided a zero waste lunch.

19 Paper Recycling Contest – OHIO Mixed Paper Recycling Competition 25 Akron Public Schools competed to see who could recycle the most paper per student. The Green Council, a group of science teachers from various Akron Public Schools, Keep Akron Beautiful hosted the paper recycling competition PSAs and pizza parties fueled the competition and a total of 35 tons of paper, magazines and cardboard were recycled in November. In addition to ARD support, the campaign was supported by a grant from the American Paper and Forestry Association. The grant was used to gain additional local sponsors as well.

20 Reusable Grocery Bags BOGO – PENNSYLVANIA Washington County ARD Proclamation Had a nice display in the Washington County Court House and issued a press release. Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Perry County KPB Affiliates Tire War 3,640 tires recycled in 2010. This is the 5 th year for this recycling event between the KPB affiliates. Weis Markets offered a BOGO on reusable grocery bags to promote ARD.

21 Art Contest and e-Waste Collection - TEXAS Allen Recycles Day art contest entries were displayed at City Hall with winners marching with Keep Allen Beautiful in the Rotary Club Christmas Parade! Winners also grace the pages of a 2011 calendar ensuring every day is Allen Recycles Day! ARD collection events diverted more than 370 tons of e-waste from landfills to be responsibly recycled. Keeping a small footprint while making a big impact, transportation was carefully coordinated and e-waste was processed in Texas, supporting almost 200 jobs!

22 ARD Event Highlights – UTAH Southern Utah University (SUU) The staff and students at SUU held a fair to educate students and members of the Cedar City community on the benefits of recycling. Over 150 people participated including K-12 students, local government officials and others. Shellie Bowen, a student guest speaker at the event said, What I like about (America) Recycles Day is it helps us as a common people feel like we can do something in our communities… Recycling Coalition of Utah (RCU) RCU held an conference meeting to educate participants about the benefits of recycling. A number of speakers in the public, private, education and non-profit sectors shared best practices approaches to recycling with an emphasis on how they are educating the public on recycling. Those in attendance were polled electronically in real time to establish objectives for education throughout the State of Utah. Rani Derasary explains programs and educational outreach for Moabs recycling center at the RCU Event

23 E-Waste Collection – VERMONT Essex VT High School Environmental Club: America Recycles Day at Essex High School Celebrating ARD 2010, the Essex High School Environmental Club held a week-long education and collection program. During the week, club members sold re-usable shopping bags as well as sponsored a bag trade program where recycling 40 disposable plastic bags earned one reusable bag. They also held a e-waste collection focusing on cellphones, cameras, and other common student owned electronics. As part of their media work, one club member also produced a short educational video.

24 Climate Advocacy and Justice, University of Vermont: Recycle For Climate Change Students in ENVS 195 Climate Advocacy and Justice, a core curriculum course in the Environmental Science major at UVM, organized and led a trash sort/ waste audit on America Recycles Day. In addition to sorting recycling and composting out of the University waste stream, students used their learning to teach others by converting their findings into climate change variables and tabling their results in the Davis Student Union. Waste Audit – VERMONT

25 Education, Pledges, Collection – VIRGINIA City of Virginia Beach Public Works An all day event featuring live entertainment, food and Environmental Exhibitors, with over 2,000 participants. NASA Langley Research Center A full day event featuring environmental and recycling education with 1,060 attendees. Newport News Recycling 40,000 lbs of e-waste and hazardous materials were collected. Keep Virginia Beautiful Plastic Bag Recycling Initiative Launch at the Capitol.

26 Pledging to Recycle More – VIRGINIA Keep Norfolk Beautiful accepted pledges throughout the month of October through USPS, fax, email, and online. Winning entries were chosen at random and visited by Keep Norfolk Beautiful on their recycling day during the first two weeks in November. Sixteen lucky residents throughout Norfolk won $100 for their recycling efforts. Central Virginia Waste Management Authority combined a Kick It to the Curb television campaign with the pledge contest. The television ad, played during Monday Night football, encouraged people to make a pledge online to be entered into a drawing to win Washington Redskins tickets.

27 Wright State University, OHCalifornia State UniversityUniversity of Oregon UNC Chapel Hill Virginia Commonwealth University Colleges and Universities 193 colleges and universities participated in ARD 2010

28 Keep West Baton Rouge Beautiful, LA Keep Morristown Hamblen Beautiful, TN Defiance County, OH

29 Keep Lexington Beautiful, KYKeep Opelika Beautiful, AL John Curtis Christian School, LA

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