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Unit 9 Memory Day 2.

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1 Unit 9 Memory Day 2

2 Let’s Review how a memory begins
Stimuli enter out brains through our senses (sensory memory) What we select our attention on goes through the initial encoding process Either automatically or effortfully What’s the next step?

3 Sensory Memory Long Term Memory Retrieval Short Term Memory
-Recall vs Recognition -Serial Position Effect -Forgetting Curve Sensory Memory -Iconic memory (.10 sec) -Echoic memory(3-4 sec) Short Term Memory -7+/- 2 items -Working memory Long Term Memory -Unlimited -Explicit vs Implicit -Flashbulb, episodic, and semantic Encoding Encoding Selective Attention Semantic encoding Visual encoding Acoustic encoding Mnemonics Elaborate rehearsal Chunking

4 The magic number is 7+or –2
Short Term Memory The magic number is 7+or –2 In other words, the most we can hold in our short term stores is just 5- 9 items! What part of the brain’s limbic system contains neurons associated with these new memories?

5 Short Term Memory Working memory:
the part of short-term memory that is concerned with immediate conscious perceptual and linguistic processing. i.e., the newly formed neural connections from encoding that will either strengthen or dissipate.

6 How do memories go from Short Term to Long Term?
We must ENCODE one more time! Remember: **Encoding is the process of putting memories into storage**

7 Encoding from Short Term to Long Term Memory
In order to create the strongest memory, apply semantics: Adding meaning helps create a stronger memory New neural connections relate to pre-existing neural connections of memory Creates a huge network of interrelated memories Bottom up processing turns into top down processing. TREE

8 Here are some ways to better your memory

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

10 REHEARSAL practice saying and writing the words over and over but, of course, the most effective rehearsal is distributed

11 group like things together
CHUNKING group like things together How do you remember a phone #? You CHUNK it!

12 METHOD OF LOCI Using pictures to improve memory MAKE IT VISUAL!
Method of Loci video

13 make it MEANINGFUL Picturing a song's lyrics
Whose phone numbers do you remember? Why? Make all kinds of material meaningful. Picturing a song's lyrics

14 make it RHYTHMIC “Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue in 1492”
The helping verbs “The THALAMUS is a grand station, it sends and receives information.”

15 Group activity and application

16 Task 1: With your group, fold a sheet of paper into 6 sections
Without notes (if you can), come up with the 6 different memory devices that increase memory (e.g., method of loci) write each at the top of your 6 boxes Using only your minds, briefly describe how each memory tactic works, then tell why it works (8 minutes)

17 Task II Write your 6 memory strategies and define each in your own words Tell why you think each strategy helps strengthen memory Apply each method to assist in remembering the meaning of either your 7 neurotransmitters OR 8 perspectives AcH Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin GABA Endorphins Glutamate

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