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Hamlet: Act II Vocab.

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1 Hamlet: Act II Vocab

2 glean (verb) to learn, discover, or find out,  usually little by little or slowly.

3 indisputable: a sovereign right.
sovereign (adjective) supreme; preeminent;  indisputable: a sovereign right.

4 satirical (adjective)
ironic, sarcastic, deriding

5 rogue (noun) scoundrel

6 a high point of land or rock projecting into the sea
promontory (noun) a high point of land or rock  projecting into the sea 

7 the vault of heaven; sky.
firmament (noun) the vault of heaven; sky.

8 destructive to life; deadly; poisonous.
pestilent (adjective) destructive to life; deadly;  poisonous.

9 a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence
paragon (noun) a model or pattern of excellence  or of a particular excellence

10 the most perfect embodiment of something.
quintessence (noun) the most perfect embodiment  of something.

11 to penetrate or pass through
cleave (verb) to penetrate or pass through

12 evil deeds; crimes; wrongdoings
malefactions (noun) evil deeds; crimes; wrongdoings

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