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Security Coordination Centre ltd. Belgrade

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1 Security Coordination Centre ltd. Belgrade
Co-ordinated capacity calculation in SEE region Pros of using SCC services Introduced by e-voting v Keynote speech: Regulatory governance for the Energy Union: enhancing regional cooperation in SEE - Alberto Pototschnig, Director, ACER v Energy regions – a view of the European Commission – Florian Ermacora, Head of Unit, DG ENER (tbc) v Regionalization: what models for regional cooperation for Europe? – Dan Nica, MEP, ITRE Committee, EP (tbc) v Strengthening regional cooperation – the benefits of RSCs - Yiannis Blanas, CEO IPTO/SEE RSC (tbc) v Best practices of SEE TSO cooperation and a roadmap for future regional cooperation - Duško Tubić, Director, SCC Dr Duško Tubić, SCC Director En. trading Seminar Budva, Montenegro, 1. December 2016

2 RSCs: Introduction, core activites INTRODUCTION ON SCC
Content RSCs: Introduction, core activites INTRODUCTION ON SCC CAPACITY CALCULATION - general CAPACITY CALCULATION in SCC CONCLUSIONS SEE TSOs have a long regional cooperation history: Regional operational and planning experience during the period of 2nd UCTE synchronous zone (more than ten years) Regional group for maintenance coordination Regional SECI group for planning model development Coordination of TSOs in the frame of SMM and SHB control blocks Establishment of regional Coordinated Auctioning Office in South East Europe – SEECAO Podgorica 4/3/2019

3 RSC establishment Reasons:
Increasing shares of renewable energy sources Decentralized generation Increasing interdependencies between the different transmission systems Shorter market timeframes Pros: Minimizes risks of wide area events Increases efficiency in system operation Lower costs through maximized availability of transmission capacity to market participants Thessaloniki RSC da se vizuelno dotera Certain activities (particularly development activities) could be performed together thus achieving benefit for all RSCIs. An example of such cooperation can be the methodology and software development for Short and Medium Term Adequacy (SMTA). The knowledge transfer related to business processes from long existing RSCIs (TSCNET, Coreso) to new RSCIs. An example of such cooperation is the support that TSCNET and CORESO provided to SCC. Establishing RSCIs operators workshops could be good opportunity to exchange valuable information and knowledge (similar to the TSOs operating dispatchers workshops). Nordic RSC Baltic RSC Thessaloniki RSC 4/3/2019

4 RSC - Services 5 services Core RSC’s services:
Improved Individual Grid Model (IGM) / Common Grid Model (CGM) delivery Security analysis (including Remedial actions) Outage planning coordination (OPC) Coordinated Capacity Calculation Short and Medium Term Adequacy (SMTA) Forecasts 5 services Improved IGM/CGM delivery Security analysis (including Remedial actions) Coordinated Capacity calculation Short and Medium Term Adequacy Forecasts Outage planning Coordination Individual Grid Model (IGM) The list of current services Security Coordination Center is providing to its members as well as the services to other TSOs in the SEE region. These services are Validation and quality improvement of IGMs Merging of IGMs into Common grid model (CGM) These two services consists in an iterative process starting from the collection of IGMs prepared and shared by TSOs and aiming at delivering to all pan-European TSOs and RSCIs, CGMs adequate for the other services, for D-1 and IDCF timeframe (24 hourly IGMs for day ahead and for three mandatory IDCF time periods). Quality and plausibility of IGMs provided by TSOs has to be checked and improved to meet the criteria of quality and plausibility. Validation of CGM and its delivery CGM model has to be validated (based on the CGM methodology pursuant to GL CACM Art 17 and on agreed procedure pursuant to GL OPS Art 12 and 15) and delivered. N-1 Security Analysis (for CGES, NOSBiH, EMS) This service aims at: - Identifying risks of operational security limit violations in any part of the regional area covered (mainly triggered by cross-border interdependencies), by applying common Security Analysis methodology, as required by TSOs. This service is performed for Day-ahead and Intraday timeframe. 4/3/2019

5 SCC - Brief company history and functions
Region of SEE was not covered by existing RSC(I)s (TSCNET, CORESO). Following the form defined by ENTSO-E’s Policy Paper “Core strategy for TSO Coordination” and European NC/GL, SEE TSOs recognized the need for regional cooperation. April 2015: EMS, CGES and NOSBiH established SCC as the first RSC(I) in SEE, based in Belgrade. 1st of August 2015: SCC started operational activities. 4/3/2019

6 SCC - Services 5 services Services and main activities:
Validation of DACF and IDCF Continental Europe (CE) IGMs/creation and delivery of CE CGMs N-1 security analysis for TSOs founders of SCC Test run of daily NTC Calculations for TSOs founders of SCC Contribution to SEE Maintenance Group through model creation and N-1 security analysis Participation in ENTSO-E projects SMTA & OPC 5 services Improved IGM/CGM delivery Security analysis (including Remedial actions) Coordinated Capacity calculation Short and Medium Term Adequacy Forecasts Outage planning Coordination Individual Grid Model (IGM) The list of current services Security Coordination Center is providing to its members as well as the services to other TSOs in the SEE region. These services are Validation and quality improvement of IGMs Merging of IGMs into Common grid model (CGM) These two services consists in an iterative process starting from the collection of IGMs prepared and shared by TSOs and aiming at delivering to all pan-European TSOs and RSCIs, CGMs adequate for the other services, for D-1 and IDCF timeframe (24 hourly IGMs for day ahead and for three mandatory IDCF time periods). Quality and plausibility of IGMs provided by TSOs has to be checked and improved to meet the criteria of quality and plausibility. Validation of CGM and its delivery CGM model has to be validated (based on the CGM methodology pursuant to GL CACM Art 17 and on agreed procedure pursuant to GL OPS Art 12 and 15) and delivered. N-1 Security Analysis (for CGES, NOSBiH, EMS) This service aims at: - Identifying risks of operational security limit violations in any part of the regional area covered (mainly triggered by cross-border interdependencies), by applying common Security Analysis methodology, as required by TSOs. This service is performed for Day-ahead and Intraday timeframe. 4/3/2019

7 Capacity Calculation EC Regulations
Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Subject matter and scope This Regulation lays down detailed guidelines on cross-zonal capacity allocation and congestion management in the day-ahead and intraday markets, including the requirements for the establishment of common methodologies for determining the volumes of capacity simultaneously available between bidding zones, criteria to assess efficiency and a review process for defining bidding zones. Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) This Regulation lays down detailed rules on cross-zonal capacity allocation in the forward markets, on the establishment of a common methodology to determine long-term cross-zonal capacity, on the establishment of a single allocation platform at European level offering long-term transmission rights, and on the possibility to return long-term transmission rights for subsequent forward capacity allocation or transfer long-term transmission rights between market participants. Thessaloniki RSC da se vizuelno dotera Certain activities (particularly development activities) could be performed together thus achieving benefit for all RSCIs. An example of such cooperation can be the methodology and software development for Short and Medium Term Adequacy (SMTA). The knowledge transfer related to business processes from long existing RSCIs (TSCNET, Coreso) to new RSCIs. An example of such cooperation is the support that TSCNET and CORESO provided to SCC. Establishing RSCIs operators workshops could be good opportunity to exchange valuable information and knowledge (similar to the TSOs operating dispatchers workshops). 4/3/2019

8 Regions for Coordinating Capacity Calculation
ENTSO-E’s has submitted the proposal for Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) in Europe to ACER ACER has defined CCRs (November 17, 2016), following sholud be pointed out: - CCR 3: Core (merging of CWE and CEE CCRs into one CCR) - CCRs shall include a bidding zone border between Germany/Luxembourg and Austria in defining the bidding zone borders 4/3/2019

9 Capacity calculation time frames and methodology
CACM Article 20 Introduction of flow-based capacity calculation methodology 1. For the day-ahead market time-frame and intraday market time-frame the approach used in the common capacity calculation methodologies shall be a flow-based approach, except where the requirement under paragraph 7 is met. 7. TSOs may jointly request the competent regulatory authorities to apply the coordinated net transmission capacity approach in regions and bidding zone borders other than those referred to in paragraphs 2 to 4, if the TSOs concerned are able to demonstrate that the application of the capacity calculation methodology using the flow-based approach would not yet be more efficient compared to the coordinated net transmission capacity approach and assuming the same level of operational security in the concerned region. Thessaloniki RSC da se vizuelno dotera Certain activities (particularly development activities) could be performed together thus achieving benefit for all RSCIs. An example of such cooperation can be the methodology and software development for Short and Medium Term Adequacy (SMTA). The knowledge transfer related to business processes from long existing RSCIs (TSCNET, Coreso) to new RSCIs. An example of such cooperation is the support that TSCNET and CORESO provided to SCC. Establishing RSCIs operators workshops could be good opportunity to exchange valuable information and knowledge (similar to the TSOs operating dispatchers workshops). 4/3/2019

10 Capacity calculation time frames and methodology
FCA Article 9 Capacity calculation time frames All TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall ensure that long-term cross- zonal capacity is calculated for each forward capacity allocation and at least on annual and monthly time frames. Article 10 Capacity calculation methodology 2. The approach used in the common capacity calculation methodology shall be either a coordinated net transmission capacity approach or a flow-based approach. Thessaloniki RSC da se vizuelno dotera Certain activities (particularly development activities) could be performed together thus achieving benefit for all RSCIs. An example of such cooperation can be the methodology and software development for Short and Medium Term Adequacy (SMTA). The knowledge transfer related to business processes from long existing RSCIs (TSCNET, Coreso) to new RSCIs. An example of such cooperation is the support that TSCNET and CORESO provided to SCC. Establishing RSCIs operators workshops could be good opportunity to exchange valuable information and knowledge (similar to the TSOs operating dispatchers workshops). 4/3/2019

11 Coordinated Capacity Calculator
CACM, Article 2 Definitions ‘Coordinated Capacity Calculator’ means the entity or entities with the task of calculating transmission capacity, at regional level or above; No later than four months after the decisions on the capacity calculation methodologies referred to in Articles 20 and 21, all the TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall jointly set up the coordinated capacity calculators and establish rules governing their operations. All TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall bear costs of establishing and operating the coordinated capacity calculators. Envisaged Coordinated Capacity Calculator is RSC(I) ! Thessaloniki RSC da se vizuelno dotera Certain activities (particularly development activities) could be performed together thus achieving benefit for all RSCIs. An example of such cooperation can be the methodology and software development for Short and Medium Term Adequacy (SMTA). The knowledge transfer related to business processes from long existing RSCIs (TSCNET, Coreso) to new RSCIs. An example of such cooperation is the support that TSCNET and CORESO provided to SCC. Establishing RSCIs operators workshops could be good opportunity to exchange valuable information and knowledge (similar to the TSOs operating dispatchers workshops). 4/3/2019

12 Capacity Calculation NTC(ATC)-based calculation and allocation is widely applied across Europe (in SEE at all borders) Flow-based approach is the main future option for strongly meshed grids (as Continental Europe is, including SEE) Flow-based calculation and FB-Market Coupling applied in Central West Europe since May 2015 Further spreading FB approach is expected Thessaloniki RSC da se vizuelno dotera Certain activities (particularly development activities) could be performed together thus achieving benefit for all RSCIs. An example of such cooperation can be the methodology and software development for Short and Medium Term Adequacy (SMTA). The knowledge transfer related to business processes from long existing RSCIs (TSCNET, Coreso) to new RSCIs. An example of such cooperation is the support that TSCNET and CORESO provided to SCC. Establishing RSCIs operators workshops could be good opportunity to exchange valuable information and knowledge (similar to the TSOs operating dispatchers workshops). 4/3/2019

13 Capacity Calculation NTC, i.e. ATC-based:
single program constraint per border for commercial transactions Flow-based (PTDF/MF): set of physical constraints MF per network elements, and sensitivity factors (PTDF) 4/3/2019

14 Necessary input data: D-2 TSO IGMs
Market coupling Coordinated capacity calculation is prerequisite for market coupling projects in SEE Necessary input data: D-2 TSO IGMs 4/3/2019

15 Capacity Calculation - SCC
SCC has aplication software for NTC (Y/M) and NTC for day-ahead allocation, tailored to D-2 calculation process (automated calculation for 24 hours) SCC is testing 24 hours automatic NTC calculation, for all borders of SCC TSOs SCC has application software for Flow-based capacity calculation solution 4/3/2019

16 SCC – 24h automatic NTC calculation

17 Coordinating Capacity Calculation in SEE
Specificity of SEE: EU TSOs (mandatory implementation of CACM and FCA) NON-EU TSOs ("early implementation“ of CACM and FCA?) SEE Coordinated Capacity Calculation methodology and business process - to be defined and developed. Cooperation between SEE RSCs is necessary. Coreso and TSCNET future common Coordinated Capacity Calculations for CWE and CEE (based on MoU of CWE and CEE TSOs) could be an example for SEE 4/3/2019

18 Capacity Calculation – SCC possibilities and next steps
In cooperation with its TSOs, SCC is developing application software for automatic deployment of Remedial Actions into contingency analyses and NTC calculation SCC is prepared and ready to start providing its services as Capacity Calculation Calculator when requested by potential users Especially, time-demanding 24xNTC processes is suitable to be transferred to RSC SCC is ready to cooperate with other RSC(I)s on regional as well as on pan-European level whatever the decision on methodology and composition of regions is going to be accepted SCC has skilled personnel constantly in cooperation with TSO experts Next steps – awaiting TSOs decisions and requests 4/3/2019

19 Conclusion As per EU regulations CACM and FCA Coordinated Capacity Calculator is envisaged as responsable for Coordinated Capacity Calculations in certain regions Capacity calculation is regarded as one of core RSC activities SCC has developed procedures and tools, and trained engineers to perform capacity calculations for TSOs both: NTC-based (as currently applied in SEE) and Flow-based (as obvious target model) SCC is ready to cooperate with other RSC(I)s on regional as well as on pan- European level whatever the decision on methodology and composition of regions is going to be accepted Further synergies with SEE cooperation's possible and needed esspecialy with SEE CAO (allocating what is calculated) TSOs, SEE CAO, EnCS and RSC(s) can jointly facilitate further development and coordination of Capacity Calculation and Allocation procedures in SEE Certain activities (particularly development activities) could be performed together thus achieving benefit for all RSCs. 4/3/2019

20 Thank you for your attention!
SCC - Security Coordination Centre ltd. Belgrade Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 412 Phone: Web: 4/3/2019

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