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Expectations/ importance of network self-assessment from MA view

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1 Expectations/ importance of network self-assessment from MA view
Nordic-Baltic NRN meeting, Jelgava

2 Who does what in Latvia? National Rural Network
Ministry of Agriculture Managing Authority for EAFRD Ltd. “Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre” National Rural Network Annual agreement on operation of NRN and implementation of the action plan

3 Responsibility of the MA
According to EU regulations MA is responsible for managing and implementation of RDP in an efficient, effective and correct way in accordance with the principle of sound financial management aimed at minimising the risk of financial damage to the EU 1305/2013 Art.66; 1306/2013 Art.58

4 Routine work Questionnaires, surveys of relevant stakeholders (interests, needs) to set the scope for the next years plans Agreement on Annual Work Plan (activities, financing, output indicators) Implementation of Annual Work Plan Reporting obligations to the Managing Authority Summary and conclusions of the work done so far, achieved indicators… …. and starting all over again ….

5 Ongoing evaluation 2007-2013 Ex-ante Mid-term Ex-post
+ thematic evaluations during the programming period Ex-ante gap Ex-post + thematic evaluations during the programming period

6 Added value I ongoing process vs. post factum
a tool for reporting obligations  suggestions for modifications helps to define possible weaknesses / shortcomings Gives time and opportunity to improve the performance  reallocation of financing / review of the target indicators and activities / methods used etc.

7 Added value II Best value for money  the most advantageous combination of cost, quality and sustainability to meet stakeholder requirements Helps Managing Authority to fulfill the obligations  implementation of RDP in an efficient, effective and correct way

8 Thank you! Karina Afremovica
Ministry of Agriculture (Managing Authority)

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