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LO: I will be able to first define unfamiliar words, then create sentences with those words, by using context clues (R.L. 8.4, W. 8.4) Garish (adjective)

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Presentation on theme: "LO: I will be able to first define unfamiliar words, then create sentences with those words, by using context clues (R.L. 8.4, W. 8.4) Garish (adjective)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LO: I will be able to first define unfamiliar words, then create sentences with those words, by using context clues (R.L. 8.4, W. 8.4) Garish (adjective) - crudely or tastelessly colorful, showy, or elaborate Sauntered (verb) - to walk leisurely; stroll

2 LO: I will be able to first define unfamiliar words, then create sentences with those words, by using context clues (R.L. 8.4, W. 8.4) Slough (verb) - to be shed or cast off Haggard (adjective)- having a gaunt, wasted, or e xhausted appearance, as fro m prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiet y; worn

3 LO: I will be able to first define unfamiliar words, then create sentences with those words, by using context clues (R.L. 8.4, W. 8.4) Coaxing (verb) - to attempt to influence by gentle  persuasion, flattery Crude (adjective) – in a raw or unprepared state; lacking finish, polish, or completeness

4 Lumbered (verb) – to move clumsily or heavily
LO: I will be able to first define unfamiliar words, then create sentences with those words, by using context clues (R.L. 8.4, W. 8.4) Belligerently (adverb) – hostile, overly aggressive Lumbered (verb) – to move clumsily or heavily

5 LO: I will be able to first define unfamiliar words, then create sentences with those words, by using context clues (R.L. 8.4, W. 8.4) Daunting (adj.) - seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating. Definition: impressive in appearance Context clues used: example or inference

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