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ETID has a Scrap Module to create and submit ETIDs for Scrap Property.

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Presentation on theme: "ETID has a Scrap Module to create and submit ETIDs for Scrap Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETID has a Scrap Module to create and submit ETIDs for Scrap Property.
Scrap ETIDs ETID has a Scrap Module to create and submit ETIDs for Scrap Property. ETID has a Scrap Module to create and submit ETIDs for Scrap Property.

2 Scrap ETIDs Customers will “turn in” scrap by utilizing the standardized LSNs for scrap. Drop down choices will assist customer in completing the scrap “turn in” ETID. Customers must select the Scrap Group, Demilitarization Code and Unit of Issue before selecting a scrap stock number. Drop down choices assist customer in completing the scrap turn ETID. A QRP certification is also available.

3 Hazardous ETIDs ETID has Modules to create and submit Hazardous Material, Hazardous Waste, and Hazardous Special Service Requests. ETID has Modules to create and submit ETIDs for Hazardous Waste, Hazardous Material, and Hazardous Special Service Requests.

4 For Hazardous Waste ETIDs, users will complete the required information for the hazardous waste ETID including supporting documentation. Supporting documentation can be a hazardous waste profile sheet or material safety data sheet. Users can certify that they will provide a hard copy of the support documentation, attach it within the ETID, or create a hazardous waste profile sheet within ETID. When creating HW ETIDs, users provide additional hazardous information and supporting documentation.

5 Users can create a hazardous waste profile sheet (HWPS) within ETID to accompany a hazardous waste turn in. Customers can re-certify a HWPS as required and can create different versions of a HWPS. Your can create Hazardous Waste Profile Sheets (HWPS) and attach it to an ETID. You can must Certify and Submit your HWPS before it can be attached to a HW ETID.

6 Users must certify and submit the HWPS before attaching it to an ETID
Users must certify and submit the HWPS before attaching it to an ETID. Only HWPS in Pending or Accepted status can be attached to an ETID. Customers can now re-certify a HWPS as required and can create different versions of a HWPS. You must Certify and Submit a HWPS before it can be attached to a HW ETID.

7 The special services module is used to request a special services performed under your hazardous disposal contract. Special Service Request Module for submitting requests for services under your disposal contract. Drop down choices assist customer in completing the Special Service Request.

8 ETID Messages Get Messages provides a location to view/process ETID’s based on actions taken by Disposition Services Sites. It can be used as an alternative way to managing ETIDs in lieu of by Status Code. Customers will receive messages notifying them that an ETID has been approved, rejected, or redirected. “Get Messages” can be used as an option for managing ETIDs. It provides the option to manage ETIDs based on actions taken or required rather than by status codes.

9 Use the filters to adjust listings of messages.
In addition to generating messages for actions that are needed, the message center will also send messages that provide information concerning actions on an ETID. The message center will give you a break out of messages by priority. Users will use the filters to obtain a listing of messages. You can sort by Document Type or Priority. The “ETID – Messages” screen provides a summary of messages by priority. “Action Required” means an action identified in the message will be required of the user. “Warning” and “Info” messages inform of an action that has been taken on an ETID or WPS, but no further direct action is required. Use the filters to adjust listings of messages.

10 ETIDs related to a message may be viewed
ETIDs related to a message may be viewed. To view an ETID from the Message center check the box and select “Select for Viewing” or click on the DTID number. ETIDs related to a message may be viewed. To view an ETID from the Message center check the box and select “Select for Viewing” or click on the DTID number.

11 When an ETID is viewed in the message center, you will see the message at the top of the ETID.
Click on an action button as necessary. Note the message given in red at the top of the screen. Action buttons allow a customer to take various actions based on the ETID status.

12 After reading your messages, they can be deleted by selecting the read messages and clicking on “Delete Messages”. For Action Required messages, when the required action is taken, it will automatically delete the message. Messages are kept in the ETID system for 30 days unless deleted before the 30 days. Read WARNING messages and INFO messages can be deleted. For Action Required messages, the action taken will automatically delete the message.


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