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OSD CBM+ Senior Leaders’ Summit

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1 OSD CBM+ Senior Leaders’ Summit
Readiness & Sustainability through Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+) OSD CBM+ Senior Leaders’ Summit CDR Jesse Black 27 November 2018

2 America’s Navy: The Next Generation

3 NAVSEA CBM+ BLUF CBM+ is DoD documented policy for maintenance. NAVSEA ensures CBM+ policy is updated regularly. NAVSEA is working to accelerate the implementation of enterprise CBM+ via the modernization of Integrated Condition Assessment System (ICAS) with enterprise Remote Monitoring (eRM) for Hull, Mechanical and Electrical (HM&E) systems. CBM+ has its foundation in the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) methodology that NAVSEA promulgates for all (Organizational, Intermediate & Depot level) maintenance development. 3

4 CBM+ Expected Benefits
Improve Readiness and Availability of Assets Improve Equipment Health to Achieve Expected Service Life (ESL) Maximize Efficiency and Reduce Life-cycle Maintenance Costs Through Data-driven Maintenance Decisions 4

5 NAVSEA CBM+ is Aligned to OSD Policy
Current NAVSEA RCM & CBM+ Policy DODI Requires CBM+ as a principal consideration in the selection of maintenance plans and also be based on RCM analysis DOD M establishes RCM as method to “ensure effective maintenance processes are implemented” OPNAVINST L (Maintenance Policy for US Navy Ships) - Requires NAVSEAs RCM process for shipboard maintenance development OPNAVINST B (CBM & CBM+ Policy) – Requires RCM integration NAVSEAINST A (RCM, CBM, & CBM+ Policy for Ships, Ship Systems and Equipment) – Describes NAVSEA requirements for use of RCM in maintenance development and sustainment MIL-STD-3034A RCM Process – This standard delineates the 12 phase fully detailed RCM Process and includes the associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) for each phase. This standard also contains the Backfit RCM process and Appendix F on NAVSEA’s RCM and CBM+ relationship. NAVSEA Established RCM Training &Certification program in 2001 NAVSEA CBM+ is Aligned to OSD Policy

6 RCM is the Basis for CBM+
Classic RCM is the engineering analysis process used to develop organizational, intermediate and depot level maintenance requirements for new equipment and systems. Backfit RCM is the Continuous Process Improvement review of existing approved organizational, intermediate, and depot level maintenance tasks. Both Classic and Backfit RCM processes are fully described in MIL-STD-3034A and are essential to achieving CBM+. Since 2001, NAVSEA has trained and certified 7676 in Backfit RCM and 4886 in Classic RCM NAVSEA has instituted online training for our Backfit RCM certification via ePMS Gateway: CBM+ connects the maintenance tasks that RCM tells us to do with cost-effective technology to assist in evaluating system and equipment performance. CBM+ uses RCM analysis to determine failure modes and aids in sensor placement. CBM+ uses prognostics to schedule maintenance to REDUCE DOWNTIME 6

7 NAVSEA RCM & CBM+ Relationship
1. RCM Developed Maintenance Requirements Index 2. Select Preventive Maintenance Task 3. List and Identify Specific Failure Mode(s) NO 4. Do CBM+ Technologies Exist That Can Accurately and Consistently Detect The Onset of the Failure Mode? YES Resort to Non-technology CD, TD, or FF Task 5. List Each Technology and Link to the Failure Mode(s) Identified 6. Comparing the Cost and Reliability of CBM+ Technology With Manual PM, Does Any Identified CBM+ Technology Have a Greater ROI Than Existing Low-tech Methods? NO YES Test CBM+ Technology in Intended Application Before Full-scale Buy or Lease KEY: CD - Condition Directed TD - Time Directed FF - Failure Finding PM - Preventive Maintenance NAVSEA CBM+ TECHNOLOGY DECISION LOGIC TREE Source: MIL STD 3034A (Appx. F) 7

8 Enterprise Accomplishments since Sept 2017
RCM supporting CBM+ Revising NAVSEAINST A – RCM, CBM &CBM+ Policy Drafting RCM Management Manual revision 21 Classic RCM courses completed 25 Backfit RCM courses completed 6 FLEET Maintenance Effectiveness Reviews completed (Part of NAVSEA maintenance CPI) 9,248 maintenance procedures reviewed 12 Classic RCM workshops (Part of NAVSEA maintenance CPI) 1,783 maintenance procedures reviewed Total trained in NAVSEA’s RCM methodology in FY

9 RCM Supporting CBM+ Expectations for FY2019
Promulgate revised NAVSEAINST B – RCM, CBM & CBM+ Policy Issue revised NAVSEA RCM Management Manual 29 Classic RCM courses scheduled 37 Backfit RCM courses scheduled 6 FLEETMERs scheduled Plan to review approximately 9,000 maintenance procedures 12 Classic RCM workshops scheduled Review online Backfit RCM Training course

10 Expectations for FY 19 RCM Training
New Jersey 12/10/18 Picatinny (NSWC) – Classic 12/14/18 Picatinny (NSWC) – Backfit New Hampshire 3/18/19 Dover (SUBMEPP)– Classic 3/22/19 Dover (SUBMEPP)– Backfit 9/16/19 Dover (SUBMEPP)– Classic 9/20/19 Dover (SUBMEPP)– Backfit District of Columbia 1/7/19 Washington (SEA04RM) – Classic 1/11/19 Washington (SEA04RM) – Backfit 6/10/19 Washington (SEA04RM) – Classic 6/14/19 Washington (SEA04RM) – Backfit Maryland 9/13/19 Baltimore (USCG) – Classic 9/17/19 Baltimore (USCG) – Backfit Rhode Island 4/8/19 Newport (NUWC) – Classic 4/12/19 Newport (NUWC) – Backfit Washington 6/3/19 Keyport (NUWC) – Classic 6/7/19 Keyport (NUWC) - Backfit Pennsylvania 10/22/18 Philadelphia (NSWC) – Classic 10/26/18 Philadelphia (NSWC) – Backfit 1/23/19 Philadelphia (NSWC) – Backfit 2/4/19 Mechanicsburg (NSWC) – Classic 2/8/19 Mechanicsburg (NSWC) – Backfit 5/3/19 Philadelphia (NSWC)– Classic 5/7/19 Philadelphia (NSWC)– Backfit 7/31/19 Philadelphia (NSWC) – Backfit Indiana 6/17/19 Crane (NSWC) – Classic 6/21/19 Crane (NSWC) – Backfit Virginia 10/15/18 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Classic 10/19/18 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Backfit 11/13/18 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Classic 11/17/18 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Backfit 10/29/18 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Classic 11/2/18 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Backfit 11/5/18 Norfolk (FLEETMER 105) – Backfit 12/3/18 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Classic 12/7/18 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Backfit 2/11/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Classic 2/15/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Backfit 2/25/19 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Classic 2/29/19 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Backfit 3/25/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Classic 3/29/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Backfit 4/29/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Classic 5/3/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Backfit 5/20/19 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Classic 5/24/19 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Backfit 7/26/19 Norfolk (FLEETMER 109) – Backfit 8/5/19 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Classic 8/9/19 Chesapeake (SEA04RM) – Backfit 8/19/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Classic 8/23/19 Chantilly (SEA04RM) – Backfit California 1/14/19 San Diego (SURPAC) – Classic 1/18/19 San Diego (SURPAC) – Backfit 1/28/19 San Diego (FLEETMER 106) – Backfit 5/13/19 Port Hueneme (NSWC) – Classic 5/17/19 Port Hueneme (NSWC) – Backfit 8/12/19 Port Hueneme (NSWC) – Classic 8/16/19 Port Hueneme (NSWC) – Backfit 8/26/19 San Diego (SURPAC) – Classic 8/30/19 San Diego (SURPAC) – Backfit 9/16/19 San Diego (FLEETMER 110) – Backfit South Carolina 7/15/19 Charleston (SPAWAR) – Classic 7/19/19 Charleston (SPAWAR) – Backfit Florida 3/4/19 Panama City (NSWC) – Classic 3/8/19 Panama City (NSWC) – Backfit 5/13/19 Mayport (FLEETMER 108) – Backfit Hawaii 3/18/19 Pearl Harbor (FLEETMER 107) – Backfit 10

11 NAVSEA CBM+ Program of Record
Integrated Condition Assessment System (ICAS) is: Program of Record NAVSEA’s common tool to support Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) for the past 20 + years Installed on over 100 ships across the Fleet Monitoring mechanical and electrical systems including: Performing diagnostics, parametric trend analysis and providing condition alerts via Consolidated Machinery Assessment System ashore (CMAS) Gas Turbine Engines Fuel Oil System Main Reduction Gears Propulsion Diesel Engines Potable Water Controllable Pitch Propeller Refrigeration Plants Gas Turbine Generators Lube Oil System Air Compressors Ships Diesel Generators Line Shaft Bearings Distilling Plants Sewage & Waste Water Air Conditioning Units Evaporators 11

12 Enterprise Remote Monitoring (eRM)
Enterprise Accomplishments Since 2017 Enterprise Remote Monitoring (eRM) NAVSEA is moving to replace ICAS with eRM beginning FY18 eRM improvements over ICAS Include: Government owned/developed system Increased cybersecurity posture Enhanced diagnostics, fault analysis & trending Enhanced feedback to ships force Highly scalable, faster data processing Supports rapid development and revision of CBM+ algorithms Phased transition to automated predictive analytics/prognostics Digital Twin capability Linkage to existing and new Navy policy and doctrine, infrastructure, business strategy, architectural framework, RCM, and open systems and data strategy NAVSEA CBM+ is Aligned to OSD Policy 12

13 Expectations for FY 2019 CMAS is in The Early Stages of Realizing Digital Twin Capability for CBM+ 13

14 Expectations for FY 2019 to 2026 14 POM-19 REQUIREMENT
ICAS Combatant Hulls Fully Sunset in FY26 Assumptions: LCS Hulls included into Deployment Plan 11 MCM not planned (decommissioning) 9 LPD Hulls to follow Backfit schedule starting FY26. POM-19 REQUIREMENT ICAS/eRM CROSSOVER PLAN FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Total # of eRM Installs - POM-19 (Cumulative) 4 14 33 51 69 88 102 113 Planned eRM Installs per FY - POM-19 10 19 18 11 Total # of ICAS Installed - POM-19 (Cumulative) 105 95 81 71 59 44 32 20 14

15 eRM First in Class Roll-Out Plan
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MS B MS C IOC FRP/FD LCS 1 Var eRM v3.1 CG 69 eRM v3.1 DDG 87 eRM v3.2 LSD 51 eRM v3.2 LPD 28 eRM v3.2 LHD 8 eRM v3.3 eRM v3.1.0 SRR CDR TRR TER DCA SRD TRR TER SRD CDR Acquisition Milestones eRM v3.1 eRM v3.2 First In-Class Shipboard Deployments (Key Events) Application Development eRM v3.3 CMAS v1.1 CMAS v1.2 CMAS v1.3 CBM+ES Program Plan FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 First in class CG-69 Q3 FY19 15

16 Guidance & Roadmaps Data Utilization Team Drives the future Development of CBM+ ES Applications 16

17 Major Challenges in Achieving Service Enterprise Goals
Technical risk from the constantly evolving Cyber Security posture and policies Expected shut down of NIAPS data path without solidified replacement (Testing currently underway with NAVAIR for possible replacement) Resources needed to standardize remote monitoring systems for HM&E and combat systems If required, increase in classification due to numerous compiled data sources could impact access to large portion of users

18 Conclusions NAVSEA’s CBM+ process, when properly executed and resourced, will: Improve readiness and availability of assets Improve equipment health to achieve Expected Service Life (ESL) Maximize efficiency and reduce life-cycle maintenance costs through data-driven maintenance decisions CBM+ technology must be considered as a key attribute in ship design and be integrated into the acquisition, modernization, sustainment and management processes that are critical to ensuring ship material readiness throughout service life 18

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