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Fundaments of Game Design

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1 Fundaments of Game Design
Intro to Unity Richard Gesick

2 Objectives Installing Unity Creating a project Camera basics
Lighting basics Game objects intro

3 Unity It is actually Unity3d at
Unity updates at least 4 or 5 times a year. Can cause major problems with prior version projects. The free personal edition of Unity is more than sufficient for our purposes

4 Installing Unity Use either the download assistant or the hub.
On a windows platform, from the download assistant, at a minimum, select unity itself, documentation, webgl build support and windows build support. On a Mac, from the download assistant, at a minimum, select unity itself, documentation, webgl build support and ios build support.

5 Creating an Unity Project
To create a unity project, launch unity and then give the project a name, decide if it is 2D or 3D, select a storage location and then see what asset packages you want to add. The asset packages available on initial start up are those that you have already downloaded. You can always add more later if you forget one or two of them.


7 New Projects Every new project in Unity starts out with a main camera and a directional light. Those will be displayed in the hierarchy The Assets folder/partition will also have a subcategory labeled Packages. For now, the packages should be deleted except for the package manager. Do not delete the built in packages.


9 Removing packages Do not delete the built in packages.
From the window menu tab on the top of Unity, select package manager. Then individually remove each of the packages except for the package manager. Do not delete the built in packages.


11 Camera Camera always in a new project.
Typical camera uses are first person, third person, follow with an offset, overhead You can have multiple cameras in a scene with a variety of viewports and display sizes Be careful about attaching a camera to a game object if that game object can be destroyed

12 Lights Every new project starts with 1 light.
You can and should have multiple lights with a variety of angles and light colors Light types include directional, point, flood

13 Basic objects Unity makes it easy to add a variety of basic 2d or 3d objects to a project. All objects have a transform. The transform contains a vector3 for position, scale and Euler angles for rotation. Child objects inherit the transform of the parent and then their transform is a local vs world coordinate, i.e. an offset from the parent’s transform

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