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City Council Meeting September 17, 2018

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1 City Council Meeting September 17, 2018
Predevelopment Plan Review: EF Academy Master Plan 1539 E. Howard Street City Council Meeting September 17, 2018

2 Project Location 1539 E. Howard Street William Carey Site
15-acre Campus 1.5-acre Field Adjacent to Altadena Pasadena Project Site Altadena

3 EF Education First International educational company with emphasis in language study Founded in Sweden in 1965 580 offices and schools in 52 countries worldwide Language schools in the U.S. include San Diego and Santa Barbara EF Academy: International boarding high schools Two in England, one in New York

4 EF Academy Pasadena International boarding high school (grades 9-12)
1,000 students 150 faculty and staff Students would be housed on-site Open in Fall 2020

5 Proposed Project Demolition of three buildings (30,500 s.f. total);
Construction of a new 72,000 s.f., three-story dormitory building with 500 beds; Rehabilitation of existing academic and dormitory buildings on the campus (247,000 s.f. total); Installation of security fencing; and Enhancement of the off-site field as a regulation-size soccer field with artificial turf and lighting

6 Proposed Project

7 Proposed Project

8 PPR Summary General Plan and Zoning
Main Campus: Institutional / PS (Public & Semi-Public) Athletic Field: Low Medium Residential, RM-12 (two units per lot) Private School is allowed with a CUP/Master Plan

9 PPR Summary Parking 200 on-site parking spaces to be provided
368 existing 168 spaces would be removed for sport courts Required parking More information needed in Master Plan application Parking demand may be less than required by code On-site student housing Prohibition of student driving

10 PPR Summary Design and Historic Preservation Environmental Review
Potentially historic: McGavran Hall, Latourette Library, Ward Workshop – historic study required New three-story dormitory New perimeter fence Environmental Review Reviewed in compliance with CEQA

11 Next Steps Submittal and review of Master Plan application
Interdepartmental review Environmental review subject to CEQA Review by the Design Commission Review by the Planning Commission City Council consideration of the Master Plan

12 EF – Economic Impacts Up to 1,000 international students studying and living on campus Property Tax shift from current non-profit ownership to full commercial property tax rate for new EF campus

13 EF – Economic Impacts Preliminary estimates indicate EF Academy student spends an average of $13,540 annually on restaurants, shopping, entertainment, school supplies and transportation, providing an infusion of international capital into local businesses and Pasadena shopping areas.

14 EF – Economic Impacts EF early estimates indicate staff, students and visiting families would spend more than $20M annually at local shops, hotels and restaurants, generating significant benefits for Pasadena and the greater Los Angeles economy. Opportunity for international families to visit and learn about investment in Pasadena.

15 City Council Meeting September 17, 2018
Predevelopment Plan Review: EF Academy Master Plan 1539 E. Howard Street City Council Meeting September 17, 2018

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