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Community Service/ Social Problem Project: Name of Agency Social Problem (Do NOT USE THIS SAME SLIDE TEMPLATE) Date(S) of Community Service: By (your.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Service/ Social Problem Project: Name of Agency Social Problem (Do NOT USE THIS SAME SLIDE TEMPLATE) Date(S) of Community Service: By (your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Service/ Social Problem Project: Name of Agency Social Problem (Do NOT USE THIS SAME SLIDE TEMPLATE) Date(S) of Community Service: By (your name) This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use exemption of the U.S. copyright law. Further use of these materials and this presentation is restricted. Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

2 Introduction (1-3+ slides)
- Define the social problem. - State and explain your hypothesis. - Explain what you researched (ex.: some of the causes of the problem, why it is a problem and where) (Be sure to include throughout the presentation 10 sociological terms from those chapters in the book that we studied and underline them!) Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

3 Introduction, cont.’d - Explain what you researched (ex.: some of the causes of the problem, why it is a problem and where) (Be sure to include throughout the presentation 10 sociological terms from those chapters in the book that we studied and underline them!) Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

4 Surveys (5+ slides) Insert (or copy/paste) your charts on this slide and following slides Place no more than 2 charts (with question and results) on each slide Discuss why you chose the questions you asked Include an analysis of the charts USING THE ANSWERS FROM THE EXCEL ASSIGNMENT (see next slideS) Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

5 Survey Analysis What did you want to learn about your topic?
State your research project hypothesis. Be sure to use the data for your answers; do not make assumptions: Compare/contrast the Excel charts and consider some of these questions: What were the variations in how different demographics answered your questions? How were the answers the same? What do the answers tell you about the people you surveyed? What do the surveys tell you about your topic? Explain using the data. What is your overall analysis? Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

6 Your Conclusions From the Surveys
Discuss your conclusion – did the surveys prove or disprove your hypothesis? Explain. Include anything else you feel necessary (i.e., anything special you noticed) What did you learn; what surprised you, if anything? Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

7 The not-for-profit organization (1-2 slides)
Key information about the organization Who was your supervisor? What is the scope of the organization (local, state, national, international) How influential/well-known is the organization? How is the organization working to resolve the social problem? (be as specific as possible and give examples other than your community service) Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

8 Discuss Your Community Service Experience
4+ slides What did you learn? Would you recommend this for others? Include photos or graphics representing your community service (REQUIRED) Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

9 Conclusions: Community Service Experience
What did you learn? (high points; low points, skills, etc.) What surprised you, if anything? Would you recommend this volunteer experience to other students? Why/why not? Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

10 Works Cited Copy and paste (or insert) your Works Cited from Word and place it here (do you have a total of 16 slides? If not, take another look at your presentation. Be careful; this template has only 10 slides.) Did you meaningfully and appropriately use all 10 sociological terms and underline them??? Sociology 1: Community Service/Social Problem Project 4/7/2019

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