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PATCH-WORLd Learning and Playing in family with ICTs 23/24 October 2009 Sofia Final Conference This project has been funded with support from the European.

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Presentation on theme: "PATCH-WORLd Learning and Playing in family with ICTs 23/24 October 2009 Sofia Final Conference This project has been funded with support from the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 PATCH-WORLd Learning and Playing in family with ICTs 23/24 October 2009 Sofia Final Conference This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Project n° 135285-LLP-1-2007-1-IT-KA3-KA3MP Grant Agreement 2007- 3620/001-001

2 ICT, Communication and the Families: some assumptions ICT affects almost every aspect of the average persons life in one way or another, especially concerning the communication Through the 'information superhighway', a global push is being created for the integration of a worldwide broadband network. At the same time, it is the household which is assumed by many to be the main link with this global pathway, for both work and recreation. These assumptions make the question of communication technologies impacts on the family important to answer

3 ICT, Communication and the Families The Integrationist Model (Kibble & McLoughlin) portrays an impact not as a linear outcome but as a complex, interactive and ongoing process. Technology does not impact on its social environment or vice versa but, over time, each shapes the other. The key conceptual focus of this model is the way an impact develops over time.

4 Education and fun Learning in a motivating environment increases a lot the students performances and the results Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Learning must be rewarding or satisfying in some way, whether it is from a sense of achievement, praise from a higher-up, or mere entertainment. J.Keller ARCS model

5 Why I need ICT? ICT social networks are place where Children and parents can stay together

6 According to that an On line environment can be: A place to elicit discussions and communications between parents, sons and families about the following topics: –School –Sports –Charity work –Religion –End-user technologies –HOW?

7 Salmons Five-Step Model

8 1° SOCIAL NETWORK ACTIVITIES2° QUIZ CONTEST/COMPETITION ASYNCHRONOUSSYNCHRONOUS On National and Transnational level THE PATCH-WORLd GAME 1° SOCIAL NETWORK ACTIVITIES : The aim is to develop a learning community of children and parents involving all together on the use of web applications and tools to present their family and its context. What activities are in Social Network? 6 activities have been singled out: Identifying the Family name, Presenting the family place, the Sport in the family, Family cooking book, Holiday habits, Personal Blog. Tools to use Assignments, Blogs, Chats, Choices, Databases, Forums, Glossaries, Lessons, SCORM, Survey, Quizzes, Wiki, Workshops. Technical Requirements activities are based on Moodle web platform. 2° QUIZ CONTEST/COMPETITION : On the base of defined areas (Sport, Music, Time Machine, Health, Sciences, People and Places) the involved families will participate in a challenging quiz tournament...

9 Characteristics of the competition The concept of the game: The game is located in an environment typical for the quiz game. The name of the environment can be personalized in order to suggest a contest familiar to the recipient. Each player is presented on the game set by an avatar chosen in archive composed of 8 examples (4 men and 4 women), with the possibility to personalize these (hairstyle, hair colour, colour of the skin, clothes). The avatar of the player/team is confronted to the avatar chosen by the contestant player or team. Multilingual: The Learning Game has to support more than one language. Interface, functions, and data base will support the languages above mentioned. A procedure will be prepared to allow the introduction of a new language in the data base. Players: The game can be played by single persons OR in teams as single player. One can participate by: 1. registering to a tournament 2. independently, choosing a competitor between the ones online. The players challenge each other in a tournament that can be in rounds or by direct elimination. Initially it will be possible to play only in rounds. The QUIZ CONTEST

10 Education, fun and family I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." -- Mark Twain Study, study and study dont waste your time, just study -- my Dad

11 Families singled ou in each country for participating in the PatchWorld experimentation Italy16 Finland6 Malta10 Poland10 Netherlands12 Germany8 Turkey16 Romania16 Bulgaria11

12 European Countries Italy Malta Poland Netherlands Germany Turkey Romania Bulgaria Finland Radicati and Giulietti families Graf and Wilhelm families Yildirim and Kilicarslan families Ciurlica and Simiciuc families Genkov and Raichev families Yliluoma and Pentinmäki families Pavia and Azzopardi families Malinowski and Nowak families Freeth and Coenen families After the Social Network Activities 2 families from each country took part in a challenging transnational Quiz Contest

13 The Quiz Contest


15 Rounds of the transnational Quiz Contest

16 The Winner Families 1st - Yildirim family 2nd - Ciurlica family 3rd - Kilicarslan family 4th - Pavia family

17 Thank you for your kind attention! 23-24 October 2009 Sofia Final Conference This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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