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1 Revolutions




5 What is Revolution? The forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. It is central to the formation of the modern world.

6 Types of Revolution Political Social Technological Musical

7 Social Revolution A fundamental change in a society. It involves a shift in power in a society. occur when a number of people in a society feel discontent with the current order and agree that change is necessary. Can influence all aspects of society

8 Political Revolution The forcible removal of a power structure by a group of people and the implementation of a new power structure. A is a group of people rising up to overthrow the government with the intent of setting up an improved system.

9 Technological Revolution
A dramatic change in society brought on quickly by the introduction of some new technology. Past examples: Steam engine Printing press atomic bomb Internet

10 Musical Revolution A Cultural art movement that signifies the emotions of the era Examples Alternative Revolution. – Grunge Hip Hop Revolution- NWA Rock and Roll- Elvis Protest music- Pink Floyd

11 2 Main Types of Revolution
There are two main types of revolutions, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive: social revolutions and political revolutions. Both require mutual support to be effective Both can include technology and music This is why each revolution has its own songs


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