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Future EU rural development policy and the Water Framework Directive

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1 Future EU rural development policy and the Water Framework Directive
Mike MACKENZIE DG AGRI / G1 Workshop on rural development policy and the Water Framework Directive 19 April 2013 DG Agriculture and Rural Development European Commission

2 Most relevant post-2013 rural development priorities / focus areas
(4) Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems dependent on agriculture and forestry, with a focus on the following areas: (a) restoring and preserving biodiversity, including in Natura 2000 areas and high-nature-value farming, and the state of European landscapes; (b) improving water management; (c) improving soil management. (5) Promoting resource-efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors, with a focus on the following areas: (a) increasing efficiency in water use by agriculture

3 Art. 18: Investments in physical assets
Performance of agricultural holding, infrastructure, e.g. more efficient irrigation equipment water collection / treatment / recycling (for farm sector only) "Non-productive" (purely environmental) investments, e.g. wetland restoration A big issue: conditions related to irrigation (see art. 46 (3) )

4 Art. 19: Restoring agricultural production potential, "preventing" natural disasters
"Preventive actions" to reduce consequences, e.g. flood protection Restoration of agricultural land and production potential damaged by natural disasters

5 Art. 21: Basic services & village renewal in rural areas
Investments in small-scale infrastructure, e.g. Water treatment facilities not supplying only farm sector

6 Forestry measures (various articles)
In particular: Afforestation / woodland creation Establishment of agro-forestry systems

7 Art. 29: Agri-environment-climate
Area-based payments… ...compensating for additional costs incurred / income foregone…. ….as a result of environmentally beneficial voluntary practices going beyond a "baseline" of required standards / practices Examples: Voluntary reduction in use of fertilisers, pestices Water-saving cropping patterns A big issue: what goes into the baseline (debate over greening) Commission proposal for baseline: cross-compliance "greening" practices of direct payments regime relevant minimum requirements for fertiliser and plant protection prods. other relevant requirements from national legislation

8 Art. 31: Water Framework Directive payments (& Natura 2000 payments)
Area-based payments…. ...compensating for additional costs incurred / income foregone…. ….because of disadvantages incurred in particular areas as result of implementing WFD Requirements involved must: be introduced by WFD be in line with river basin management plans go beyond measures needed to implement other EU water legislation go beyond level of protection inherent in legislation in force when WFD was adopted impose major changes in land use type or major restrictions in farming practice, resulting in significant loss of income go beyond cross-compliance and "greening" requirements (the baseline) A big issue: what will finally go into the baseline

9 Art. 46 (3): Conditions for supporting investments in irrigation
(Irish Presidency compromise text of 13 March 2013) River basin management plan must be in place Water metering at level of supported investment Investments in existing equipment: Minimum "potential water saving" required (gain in water efficiency) Real reduction in water use required if water body not in good status Investments in net increase of irrigated area: Environmental analysis required Blocked in principle (with exceptions) if water body not in good status Particular conditions in case of reservoirs built before 1 January 2013 A big issue: attitude of the European Parliament

10 Thank you

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