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Budgets 101 Session How to Submit a Budget Ethan Gertzman

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Presentation on theme: "Budgets 101 Session How to Submit a Budget Ethan Gertzman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Budgets 101 Session How to Submit a Budget Ethan Gertzman
Allocations Chairman

2 Contact Us (Actually Though)
Ethan Gertzman (908) @sgballocations 848 William Pitt Union (Back left corner office)

3 Your Liaison Governance Groups Ethan Gertzman #-B Jamie Givnish C Stanley Umeweni D-G Joe John H-L Julia Lee M-O Michael Grunenwald P-Pa Ben King Pb-Pitt K Ashima Agarwal Pitt L- Pitt Z Matt Jankowitz Pitta-Pz Noelle Marousis Q-Sp Sean Steinle Sq-T Daniel Zuinino U-Z Aboli Kesbhat

4 Why Submit a Budget? For Governance Groups, this is only source of new funding Good for those non-Governance Groups which Request for many different events/programs/competitions Know their budget into future semester(s) Have documented costs for their known expenses

5 Budgeting Process: Non-Governance Groups
Optional Designed for long term planning into next semester and or fiscal year Good for groups which: Have the same expenses each fiscal year Know exact costs and can document them well in advance Occur once per semester

6 Budgeting Process: Governance Groups
Required for Governance Groups, as it is their only source of funding SGB Typically allocate comparable funds from year to year Occurs semesterly Budgets submitted in the spring are either for the fall or the next fiscal year Governance Groups which submit only a semester budget in the spring may submit another in the fall for the next spring

7 Budgeting Process Fall 2017
Budget submission deadline: November 2nd Budget hearing weekend: November 8th and 9th

8 Priority Order It is important that you list the requests in the summary workbook (more later) in priority order Committee will take order into consideration when making budgeting decisions

9 Cover Sheet/Summary Workbook
Do it first! File format AllocationsBudgetSummary_Fall18_StudentOrg.xlsx List each request in priority order Separate sheet for line items

10 Budgeting Process Submit budget online (more later)
Receive link (not immediately) to sign up for a budget hearing sometime on Nov 8-9 Will not receive a decision - have to come into the office to review decision Must sign to indicate that you reviewed it May make a copy in SORC May express interest in an appeal (not binding)

11 What is a Budget? Simply a “stack” of supplemental-style requests
Each request form is of the same format as normal supplementals Two additional components Cover Sheet Budget Summary Workbook

12 Interpreting the Decision
Committee may act in one of four ways on each individual request: Approve in full Approve in part Deny in full Defer in full

13 What is a Deferral? Committee defers requests for:
Improper documentation Budget constraints Deferred requests may be asked for again within the same Fiscal Year- they are not denied They are not approved at that time Governance Groups may only budget mod into deferred requests

14 Club Sports Must submit projected deposits into SORC account for this semester if haven’t already done so

15 Appeals If you sign up for an appeal, you will present your entire budget to the Board at a regularly scheduled or special Public Meeting Must then submit an electronic Budget Appeal Form Budget Appeals will take place on Sunday Nov. 18th Must appeal entire budget Governance Group budgets are automatically appealed to the Board (Bill 15)

16 Budget Modifications Governance Groups only
If money earmarked during budgets goes unused, it may be repurposed via the budget modification process. To repurpose funds, you must fill out both: An online supplemental request form found on the Allocations page at A hardcopy budget modification form found on the same page

17 What Now? Review Allocations Manual and this presentation (online)
Meet with liaison Submit your budget online!

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