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Grade 11 Option Card Presentation

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1 Grade 11 Option Card Presentation

2 Graduate Requirements
30 credits OSSLT success or the Grade 12 Literacy Course (OLC 4O1) 40 hours of community service

3 Grade 12 Compulsory Courses
English Religion/Philosophy

4 Other Compulsory Courses
Second credit in Health and Physical Education OR the Arts ,OR Business OR COOP OR French Third credit in Science, OR a Technological Education course OR COOP OR French

5 Before you choose… Research your options, know the prerequisites to help you select your courses University? College/Apprenticeship/Trades? All pathways, including workplace?

6 English and Religion ENG 4U1 (University) ENG 3U1 possible elearning
ENG 4C1 (College) ENG 3C or ENG 3U1 ENG 4E1 (Workplace) ENG 3E1 OLC 4O1 (Literacy Course) EWC 4U1 (Writer’s Craft) ENG 3U1 possible elearning HRE 4M1* (Mixed) possible elearning HRE 4O1 (Open) HZT 4U1 *can be counted as one of the six university/mixed courses used to apply to university

7 Mathematics MDM 4U1 (Data Management) MCF 3M1 or MCR 3U1
MHF 4U1 (Advanced Functions) MCR 3U1 MCV 4U1 (Calculus) requires MHF 4U1 prior to or at the same time MAP 4C1 (College Apprenticeship) MBF 3C1 MEL 4E1 MEL 3E1

8 Science SBI 4U1 (Biology) SBI 3U1
SCH 4U1 SCH 3U1 SCH 4C1 (Chemistry) SNC 2P1 or 2D SPH 4U1 SPH 3U1 SPH 4C1 (Physics) SNC 2P1 or 2D1 SES 4U1 (Earth and Space Science) SNC 2D1 elearning only SNC 4M1 SNC 2D possible elearning SNC 4E1 Gr. 10 Science

9 The Arts ADA 4M1 (Dramatic Arts) ADA 3M1 ASM 4M1 (Media Arts) ASM 3M1
AMI 4M1 (Instrumental Music) AMU 3M1 AVI 4M1 (Visual Arts) AVI 3M1

10 Business Studies BAT 4M1 (Financial Accounting) BAF 3M1
possible elearning BOH 4M1 (Business Leadership) BBB 4M1 (International Business) possible elearning Any U or M course in Business Studies, English or Social Sciences and Humanities

11 Computer Studies ICS 4U1 (Computer Science) ICS 3U1

12 Canadian and World Studies GEOGRAPHY
CGW 4U1 (Canadian and World Issues) possible elearning Any U or M course in Canadian and World Studies, English or Social Sciences and Humanities CGR 4M1 (Environment/Resource Management) Any U or M course in Canadian and World Studies, English or Social Sciences and Humanities

13 Canadian and World Studies HISTORY
CHY 4U1 (World History Since the 15th Century) CHI 4U1 (Canada – History, Identity and Culture) Any U or M course in Canadian and World Studies, English or Social Sciences and Humanities

14 Canadian and World Studies ECONOMICS, LAW and POLITICS
CLN 4U1 (Canadian and International Law) possible elearning CIA 4U1 (Analyzing Current Economic Issues) Any U or M course in Canadian and World Studies, English or Social Sciences and Humanities

15 Social Sciences and Humanities
HZT 4U1 (Philosophy) can substitute for HRE 4M1 HSB 4U1 (Challenge and Change in Society) possible elearning HNB 4M1 (The Fashion Industry)

16 Languages FSF 4U1 (French) FSF 3U1

17 Health and Physical Education
PSK 4U1 (Exercise Science) Any grade 11 U or M course in science, any grade 11 or 12 physical education course PLF 4M1 (Recreation and Fitness Leadership) Any grade 11 or 12 physical education course PPL 4O1 (Healthy Active Living) PAF 4O1 (Personal and Fitness Activities)

18 Technological Education
TGJ 4M1 (Communications) TGJ 3M1 TEJ 4M1 (Computer Engineering) TEJ 3M1 TTJ 4C1 (Transportation) TTJ 3C1 TFJ 4E1/4C1 (Hospitality and Tourism) TFJ 3E1/3C1

19 Interdisciplinary Studies
IDC 4U1 (Interdisciplinary Studies) ENG 3U1

20 Cooperative Education (Co-op)
Co-op is a program allowing students to earn credits while completing a work placement in the community Two credit workplace experience Morning or Afternoon Placements

21 Cooperative Education (Co-op)
RCOOP (regular) in Co-operative Education folder on myBlueprint website TCOOP (technology) in Co-operative Education folder on myBlueprint website* (*technology course must also be completed) SUBMIT APPLICATION WITH REGISTRATION

22 Summer School Co-op Two credit workplace experience
Great opportunity for SHSM students Night classes from April to June Placements are full days, Monday – Friday, for the month of July Student should suggest possible placements

23 Specialist High Skills Majors
Environment Transportation (packaged courses) Not for Profit Health and Wellness Hospitality (packaged courses) Information and Communication Technology Arts and Culture

24 SHSM Package courses Transportation – JTRAN12 (2 credits)
Hospitality – HWC12 (2 credits) Found in SHSM Folder on myblueprint

25 Specialized District Programs
Students attend another school or site location for entire semester, taking all courses there for the semester OR travel back to St. James for other courses Students may qualify for transportation

26 Specialized District Programs
Construction SHSM Homebuild (HOME11/12) Renovation (RENO 11/12) M&T Graphics Factory (GRAPH11/12) La Luma Hair Styling and Aesthetics (LALUMA) All programs found in Specialized District Programs folder on myblueprint website

27 Dual Credits This program provides Grade 12 students with the opportunity to attend and experience college Students earn both college and high school credits Dual Credit Programs run second semester for the entire school day Courses found in Dual Credits folder, application must be completed

28 Dual Credits COLLEGE PATHWAY PROGRAMS CLDC (Community Leadership)
DFDC (Design Fundamentals) ECEDC (Early Childhood Education) PHODC (Photoshop and Photography) REWDC (Renewable Energies/Woodworking)

CON3DC (Exploring the Trades: Construction) CONDC (Exploring the Trades: Construction) FPDC (Exploring the Trades: Food Production) MPDC (Exploring the Trades: Mechanical)

ASTDC (Automotive Service Technician) CARDC (Carpentry) COOKDC (Cook) TCTDC (Truck and Coach Technician) WELDDC (Welder)

31 Dual Credits OYAP LEVEL 1 APPRENTICESHIP BSMDC (Brick and Stone Mason)
AST1DC (Auto Service Technician)

32 eLearning Courses Assignments submitted online
There is a teacher, but not ‘face to face’ Students are able to ask questions through Course work can be done at school or at home All courses offered are found in elearning courses folder on myblueprint website

33 eLearning Courses Things to consider in order to be successful…
Strong management skills Independent, self-disciplined Expertise in using the computer for , word-processing, using the internet Expect 75 minutes of work per day Students have more flexible hours during the day as there is no scheduled class

34 eLearning Course Offerings
SES 4UL – Earth and Space Science elearning only BBB 4ML – International Business possible elearning CIA 4UL– Analyzing Current Economic Issues possible elearning CLN 4UL – Law possible elearning CGW 4UL – Canadian and World Issues possible elearning ENG 4UL – English possible elearning EWC 4UL – The Writer’s Craft possible elearning HRE 4ML – Religion possible elearning HSB 4UL – Challenge and Change possible elearning HZT 4UL – Philosophy possible elearning SNC 4ML – Science possible elearning found in elearning courses folder on myblueprint Website Submit application with course selections

35 Summer School eLearning Course Offerings
ENG 4U1 (University English) PSK 4U1 (Kinesiology) CLN 4U1 (Law) MDM 4U1 (Data Management) Sign up by February 22nd Pick up an application today

36 REMINDERS Course options, including application forms (if necessary) are due to the GUIDANCE OFFICE along with your registration package by FRIDAY FEB. 22 Login to and complete course options

37 REMINDERS Course calendar with detailed description of courses is found on our school website Be sure to click review and submit after you have chosen your courses Print hard copy, signed by a parent/guardian, and return with registration package Repeating a course does not earn you an additional credit, only a different mark

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