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Classroom Procedures Mr. Clark’s classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Procedures Mr. Clark’s classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Procedures Mr. Clark’s classroom

2 Procedures vs. Rules Routines rule!
What do I do when… Procedures vs. Rules Routines rule!

3 Before 1st Block

4 Upon entering the building
Must go DIRECTLY to first block. Unless… Need to go somewhere else? Plan to have your Planner.

5 What can I do? What can I not do?
Complete classwork Text (for any reason)*** Complete unfinished homework Explore social media*** Wander Receive tutoring or extra help Go to the vending machines Listen to music*** Go to the cafeteria Go to the library Receive tutoring from another teacher (with their consent) Go to the bathroom (on B Hall) ***Exercise this responsibly

6 But once the bell rings:
Be in your assigned seat Have your tables cleared Have phones put away Begin working on your bell work All other unmentioned tomfoolery must stop.

7 When I enter the room!

8 Beginning of Class Come in, sit down, and get quiet.
Do you need the bathroom? Is there work due? Do you have questions? Check the Agenda for today’s lesson Begin Bell Work Reminders: Due dates, special messages, issues, etc.

9 Organize In our assigned areas: We’re quiet! We get out our: Notebooks Binders/Folders Textbook/Novel

10 Organize What if I forget something? Be responsible Let me know ASAP

11 Get to work Check: Agenda Objectives/CCSS Get your Bell Work done

12 During class!

13 First thing’s first… 1. Check Agenda & Objectives 2. “Bell Work” 3. Reminders 3. Daily Lesson

14 Agendas and Objectives
What is an agenda? Daily schedule What we’ll be doing When we’ll be doing it Why do I need to know the objective? Purpose of lesson Skill to learn

15 Participation Write it down Raise your hand Bashful?
**Think before you speak! Is it relevant? Is it appropriate? Can it wait?

16 Participation options
“Hot Potato” Student-initiated “Popcicles” Teacher-initiated Participation will be tracked for a quiz grade at the end of each term.

17 Whole Group Instruction
Review of prior lesson Introduction to the skill to be taught or reinforced Modeling – Show and Tell *Time for clarifying questions **Not time for a potty break

18 Group and Individual Work
Groups work: Listen carefully Quick and quiet transitions (30 sec) Student-led discussions “Help Cards” (*if needed) Do not “Copy-and-Paste” Individual work Raise you hand for help Check your work You have a table for a reason

19 Group/Independent work
Timed, usually 30-minutes Work carefully Write down comments, questions. Work for the entire period.

20 What Do I Do When I am Done?
Check it again… and again Verify trouble areas with me. Enrich and Remediate.

21 We’re working as a team. We all contribute Respect other’s opinions Group effort, individual grades!

22 When the Bell Rings.

23 Dismissal Do not get up when the bell rings I will dismiss you on time “Pack early, leave late” – so work until we summarize

24 Dismissal Make sure your area is clean Straighten chairs
Pick up paper, pencils, etc. Organize folders and tbales This is not your bedroom, keep it clean.

25 Other class Procedures

26 Language. Off-Topic Conversation Cursing Inappropriate topics
What happened last night On-Topic Conversation Asking Questions Discussing the lesson

27 Tardies Sign in and give me your EdClick form Immediately begin working Check the agenda to see what you’ve missed Catch up!

28 Late and Missing Work Bring a reason, not an excuse “Late Work Slip” – One Day Only! Deal School Policy: # of absenses = # of make-up days

29 Bring Your Own Device Put away with sound off Only with permission NO TEXTING! (Not even your mom)

30 Bathroom breaks Before bell rings Do not interrupt class! You must have YOUR agenda Ask politely and sign out/in

31 Off-Task behavior Warning and I will document it.
“Hallway Conference” and I document it. Reflective writing, I document it and then call home. I document it and then complete a write-up.

32 Keys to Success: It’s not hard to come into this classroom and succeed. You must: Be present, Be prepared, Be respectful, and Be ready to work.

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