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Wave Interactions.

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1 Wave Interactions

2 return of a wave when it reaches a boundary of a medium
Reflection return of a wave when it reaches a boundary of a medium

3 2 Types of Reflection: Fixed Boundary: the reflected wave is
inverted when it reflects from a more dense medium Free Boundary: the reflected wave is not inverted when it reflects from a less dense medium

4 Reflection: Free vs. Fixed boundary

5 Refraction bending of a wave passing from one medium into another
Wave changes speed For refraction to occur, the wave must change speed and must enter the new medium at an angle.

6 Refraction: Why waves always go into the shore

7 Diffraction the spreading of a wave around a barrier or
through an opening

8 Diffraction & Reflection
Island vs. Pillar Diffraction & Reflection

9 Superposition Principle
Interference Two or more waves passing through the same location at the same time. Also called: superposition Superposition Principle The total displacement due to interference is the sum of the displacements of the individual waves

10 results in a larger amplitude results in a smaller amplitude
Types of Interference Constructive results in a larger amplitude Destructive results in a smaller amplitude

11 Wave Interference Video
Chapter 14 Section 3 Wave Interference Video

12 Interference Application
Destructive interference used for our benefit Noise Cancellation Technology Cars Headphones Dentist Drills Factories

13 Resonance Resonance: Large amplitude waves caused when the frequency of an applied force is equal to the natural frequency of an object. Video Examples: Wine Glass Rice Ruben's Tube Tesla Coils & More Tesla Coils Suspension Bridge with Harmonics Washington Tacoma Bridge & Real Explanation

14 Doppler Effect the change in frequency due to the relative
motion of the wave source and the observer The observed frequency is higher when the source and observer are getting closer. The observed frequency is lower when the source and observer are getting farther away.

15 to run simulations of the Doppler Effect.
Click here and here to run simulations of the Doppler Effect. The Doppler Effect can be evident for ALL types of waves – including light, sound, water, etc…

16 Big Bang Theory- Doppler Effect

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