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Clinical Research as your MSRP The Nuts and Bolts

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Research as your MSRP The Nuts and Bolts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Research as your MSRP The Nuts and Bolts
Saleem Islam

2 Objectives Brief understanding of clinical research
Spectrum of clinical research Your goals Choosing an achievable project Available tools

3 What is Clinical Research
Is it important? What is clinical research? The research spectrum Systematic review or Meta analysis of RCT Prospective RCT Prospective cohort study Database analysis Case control study Survey based studies Retrospective series Case series Case reports

4 MSRP Clinical project Goals
Understand the genesis of clinical research Developing a project from a clinical question Read the existing literature (don’t want to repeat something!) (but nothing is really new!) Designing the data collection tool Data collection Data analysis Understanding the analysis Creation of an abstract Presentation and publication

5 Achievable Project You have 8-10 weeks Likely will need existing data
Retrospective reviews – with or without controls Case Series How many patients?? Need to plan out the research with your mentor regarding time management Your goal is to complete the project – define that

6 Tools Your mentor Epic – the EHR REDCap – Brush up on stats
Brush up on stats Medical writing

7 Summary What is clinical research and its spectrum Your goals
Achieve a project! Tools

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