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A Walking Tour of Presentation Styles

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Presentation on theme: "A Walking Tour of Presentation Styles"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Walking Tour of Presentation Styles
V0.2 A Walking Tour of Presentation Styles ProductCamp Ottawa 2018 November 10h, 2018

2 So Who is this Dude? Colin Moden Work Personal ColinModen18@Gmail.Com
Cognos: 1985 – 2008 IBM Cognos Products : 2008 – 2013 TITUS Software : 2014 – 2017 Currently Available for short term contracts “Programming is the Easy Part, Figuring out what People want, that’s the Gold” Personal Emigrated to Canada from the UK in 1991 Avid Skier. CADS Volunteer Bungee Jumping, Sky Diving, white water… Love the Adrenaline

3 Selling “The goal of any presentation is to sell” A product An idea
Yourself Therefore the goal is to excite & impress, not educate If the customer understands what the products does and how it works they may decide it’s not right for them High Quality graphics But meaningless without voiceover Memes, metaphors Puts the attention on the speaker Reduces thinking while listening Side effect Slide deck is useless without the presenter script

4 Political Speech No Visuals Focus exclusively on speaker
Eliminates critical thought during the speech Standard storyline I care about the same things you care about There’s a problem we have to deal with Here’s proof of the problem My opponent is part of the problem But I have the answer! Here’s what tomorrow can look like Preparation is Vitally Important Write It Edit It Practice it Establishing an Emotional Connection Hand Gestures Body language 3 Key Things - always

5 Education Ideation Delivered Proposed Funded Cancelled Rejected
Goal is that audience understand something new Visuals Low quality graphics Diagrams Bullets Details in the notes Joke every few slides More time per slide Introduction & Summary Tell ‘em what you're going to Tell ‘em Tell ‘em Tell ‘em what you told ‘em

6 Document of Record What happened Recently This… That….
Major Features Target Sprint Server based Install 3 Automatic Detection 5 User Overrides 7 Upgrade from V3 Left handed thingy 8 Sync Now Self Balance 9 Dates Original Current Project Start 17/1/2018 10/2/2018 Functionality complete 10/9/2018 30/10/2018 Beta test starts 17/10/2018 RTM 20/2/2019 How it happens There is a standardised business process Executives have to review or approve something A report (Word document) is the natural medium Executives don’t have time to read it Executives want a live presentation instead PM hates writing report and presentation and keeping both in sync So the presentation becomes the official document to review and approve Now it must contain every detail whether its interesting or not Whether its changed or not Executives “There are too many slides, but we want all the content” Avoid it if you can Even if that means writing a Word doc and a presentation Use colors & bold to highlight what's interesting Or what’s changed from last time Do not attempt to present everything on the slide What happened Recently This… That…. What’s Coming Soon This… That….

7 Virtual Presentations
I’ll read it on the plane How it happens You need to present to many people Maybe for approval They are never all available You may get a mix Some live attendees Some local, Some remote Some read it before. Some didn’t Some promised to read Some read it Some asked questions by What to do: “I’ll read it” Can’t rely on speaker script All the details on the slides Including FAQ/FGA “I’ll dial in” From the car – Audio only From Home – possibly poor audio or distracted Can degrade into the “Document of Record” style Anyone have a good tactics? I’ll dial in from the car

8 Question Centric Good morning, my name is ….
How do you plan to handle volume discounting? Option A: Fight it “Well get to that, but first…” “I have a slide on that coming up” “I think we need to get everyone up to speed first” Option B: Accept it Don’t attempt to present the slides in order Answer each question as it comes Make sure each slide is self complete Know what slides you have Know how to switch slides quickly End with “Are there any more questions?” Option A – Effective Education Option B – Effective Selling

9 Comparison of Styles Your Goal Visual Style When to use them Selling
Get the Order Punchy-memes When selling is your job Political Speech Impress Audio only When it’s really important Education Communication Diagrams, Bullets. Details in notes Peer-to-Peer Document of Record Tables, Color coding, multi-panel Avoid if you can Virtual presentation TBD Similar to Education. Must have details. Audience determined Question Centric FGA Slides, Random Order

10 Open Conversation

11 So Who is this Dude? Colin Moden Work Personal ColinModen18@Gmail.Com
Cognos: 1985 – 2008 IBM Cognos Products : 2008 – 2013 TITUS Software : 2014 – 2017 Currently Available for short term contracts “Programming is the Easy Part, Figuring out what People want, that’s the Gold” Personal Emigrated to Canada from the UK in 1991 Avid Skier. CADS Volunteer Bungee Jumping, Sky Diving, white water… Love the Adrenaline

12 V0.2 Presentation Styles ProductCamp Ottawa 2018 November 10h, 2018

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