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Map and Map Interpretation

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1 Map and Map Interpretation 2542402
Lesson 4 : Symbol in map Jittrapon Soontorn Social Studies Program

2 Symbol in map Map is the tool to communicate data by illustrating as a symbol. Symbol represents the situations, phenomena or activities that happen there. Symbol in the map are universal language.

3 Symbol in map Data which can be converted into the symbol in the map
are Spatial data. Each type of symbol use in the map are having their unique characteristics.

4 Meaning of symbol in map
The represent of the language meaning. Can clearly describing meaning such as, Symbol of village, school, hospital Map do not show every spatial data in place like the photo (Aerial photo or Satellite data)

5 Spatial Data Data that relating to places or areas dimension such as,
Number of population in Nakhon Pathom Province. Physical landscape of Chiang Mai Province. Types of plantation in Suphanburi Province.

6 Qualitative Data Describing data about the phenomena in one place.
Do not relates to statistical numbers. When showing in the map, data can not be compare. Ex. Etnics village in Nakhon Pathom Province. Can showing only where they live.

7 Qualitative Data Water Paddy Field

8 Quantitative Data Statistic data or numeric data
Can be illustrate the data of each place Ex. Numbers of schools in Nakhon Pathom Province. Paddy field area in Suphanburi Province.

9 Quantitative Data When data are related to numeric.
These type of data can be calculating in mathematic such as, Ratio Ex. Ration between teacher. and students in the school.

10 Quantitative Data Length of the road

11 Type of symbol in map Symbol that we use in map can divide to 3 types
Point Line Polygon

12 Type of symbol in map Point Symbol
Some of spatial data showing on the location of the activities or phenomena Such as, Location of schools, place of traffic accident. Then we can use point symbol to represent x,y data (co-ordinate) of them.

13 Type of symbol in map Line Symbol
Some of spatial data can be show the origin or beginning point and the ending of the activities or phenomena Such as, Road, Railway. Then we can use Line symbol to represent x,y data (co-ordinate) of the origin and ending.

14 Type of symbol in map Polygon Symbol
Some of spatial data can be show the area of the activities or phenomena Such as, country boundary, paddy field. Then we can use Polygon symbol to represent these kind of spatial data

15 Symbol in map Type Location Distance Area Point / - Line Polygon

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