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African American Political Organization

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1 African American Political Organization
Booker T. Washington ( ) Favored a “gradual” approach to social justice, focusing first on job skills & economic development W.E.B. DuBois ( ) Favored immediate social justice, full civil rights, and political participation immediately Marcus Garvey Back to Africa Movement “Atlanta Compromise”

2 Video: “Crash Course” – Great Depression, https://www. youtube
Video: “Crash Course” – Great Depression, – first 5 minutes ** Write down these prompts in your notes in preparation for a short video clip: Installment buying … Experiences of farmers … Commercial bankers … What made the Great Depression the “Great Depression” was massive … Margin buying … Single cause possibly … Deflation is …

3 Deflation

4 What do you notice in the chart?
Global Depression What do you notice in the chart?

5 Gross Domestic Product
** In billions of dollars, a figure expressing how much the economy produced.

6 Banking Crisis (2) Mid-1920’s Low interest rates by Federal Reserve
(1) Early 1920’s Expanding operations, taking out loans (4) , Bank Runs (5) Early 1930’s, Fed. Makes Mistakes, does nothing (2) Mid-1920’s Low interest rates by Federal Reserve (3) Late-1920’s Stock market speculation, as commercial banks invest depositors $$$ Credit Freeze Banking Crisis

7 Bank Failures ** 600 bank failures a year between

8 Keynesian Economics Recessions can be caused a drop in aggregate demand. Definition: governments should engage in “short-term deficit spending, generating economic growth.”

9 National Deficits and Debt & Great Depression
 - At the height of government spending during WWII, the national deficit was at $54.5 billion in 1943. - Deficit: annual overspending in the national budget - Debt: total amount that accumulates - In 1934, the deficit increased to $2.9 billion. - In , the deficit fell back to $100 million. - During 1939, the deficit rose back to $2.9 billion.

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