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Unit 4: The Gilded Age 11.29.18.

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1 Unit 4: The Gilded Age

2 Social Darwinism Definition & creation Use in the Gilded Age Dangers
Racism Eugenics Anti-immigration Imperialism Why is it false?

3 Social Darwinism Term used to describe the practice of misapplying biological evolutionary language of Charles Darwin to politics, economics, & society.

4 Social Darwinism Evolution: Species with traits that succeed in a certain environment will survive to pass on those traits to offspring. Those who do not, do not survive, and therefore the species dies out.

5 “Survival of the fittest”
Phrase coined by sociologists Herbert Spencer Sociologists adapted an incorrect interpretation of evolution to explain the growing gap between the rich and the poor

6 Laissez-faire 18th century economic theory, opposed any govt intervention in business affairs Driving principle behind laissez-faire (French - “leave alone”) is that the less govt is involved in the economy, the better off business (and society) will be Laissez-faire economics are a key part of free market capitalism

7 Social Darwinists Believed in Laissez-Faire capitalism
Government should not regulate business Strong businesses will succeed, weak ones will die out – this is natural Government should not be providing aid to the poor or physically/mentally “unfit” Believed poverty was the result of natural inferiority, which should be bred out of the human population

8 Dangers of social Darwinism
Language like this extended into theories on race & racism Eugenics Immigration law Nationalism & White Supremacy: claimed superiority of one people over another

9 Eugenics Movement 19th & 20th centuries, sought to improve health & intelligence of humans by sterilizing individuals it deemed “unfit” Eugenic sterilizations disproportionately targeted women, minorities, & immigrants, and continued until 1970s

10 Immigration Massive number of immigrants came to the US during 2nd Industrial Revolution White, Anglo-Saxon Americans viewed these newcomers (less likely to speak English & more likely to be Catholic/Jewish than Protestant) with disdain

11 Immigration Many believed these new immigrants from Eastern/Southern Europe were racially inferior & "less evolved" than immigrants from England, Ireland, Germany

12 imperialism Social Darwinism used as a justification for American imperialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, & the Philippines many adherents of imperialism argued that it was the duty of white Americans to bring civilization to "backwards" peoples

13 Why is social Darwinism false?
Sociologists = biologists; adapting & corrupting Darwin’s language for their own social, economic, and political explanations. Darwin’s theory remains a cornerstone of modern biology to this day, Social Darwinism no longer accepted

14 Why is social Darwinism False?
Does not take into account the social environment, circumstances beyond a person’s control

15 Why is social Darwinism False?
Biological evolution has nothing to do with "survival of the fittest". Note the difference between explanations: “Survival of the Fittest” theory: plants photosynthesize in order to survive Biological evolution: this plant is photosynthesizing plant species which photosynthesize have an increased likelihood of survival as a species

16 Why is social Darwinism False?
Evolution is about survival of a species Social Darwinism is about success of individuals

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