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2/1-remember to put your phones away!

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Presentation on theme: "2/1-remember to put your phones away!"— Presentation transcript:

1 2/1-remember to put your phones away!
Grab your Data Analysis paper with your tutorial times highlighted! Glue in the Evidence of Evolution notes & the notes with the 3 structures. Potato head tutorials: 2nd half of lunch today Before/after school today & tomorrow

2 Evidence for Evolution
Comparative Embryology Comparative Anatomy Theory of Evolution Molecular Biology Fossil Record Biogeography Endosymbiosis

3 Bell-Ringer 1/29: PHONES IN POCKETS
Set-Up new unit in notebook: Unit 9 Evolution Genetics Test RE-Takes Tues –Thurs

4 6 areas of scientific study provide evidence for evolution.
1) Biogeography 2) Comparative Anatomy 3) Comparative Embryology 4) Molecular Biology 5) Fossil Record 6) Endosymbiosis

5 Biogeography The use of geography to describe the distribution of species.

6 Biogeography: Divergent Evolution
After the supercontinent Pangaea separated, similar species diverged due to different environments.

7 Biogeography: Convergent Evolution
Unrelated species from different regions around the world converge or begin to look alike when found in similar environments.

8 Divergent Convergent Evolution Evolution

9 Comparative Anatomy The study of anatomical structures and evolutionary relationships. Homologous structures Analogous structures Vestigial structures

10 Comparative Anatomy Homologous structures: physical structure is the same(common ancestor), BUT they have different actions. Morphology is the same. All of these organisms have the SAME bones (ancestor) and morphology, but DIFFERENT actions. Figure 22.14 Human Cat Whale Bat

11 Comparative Anatomy Analogous structures: Action of the structure is the SAME, but the have a DIFFERENT ancestor and DIFFERENT physical structure (morphology) All of these organisms Fly, which is the same ACTION but different STRUCTURES.

12 Vestigial structures: remnants of structures that served important functions in the organism’s ancestors

13 Vestigial Structures Ostrich with wings
Body parts and organs that are reduced (smaller) in size and have no benefit, but are still present in the body. Ostrich with wings Blind cave salamander and blind cave fish

14 Connection: Biogeography and Comparative Anatomy
Types of comparative anatomy can also be classified as convergent and divergent evolution, which structure is an example of divergent evolution? Convergent evolution?

15 Comparative Embryology
Closely related organisms go through similar stages in their embryonic development. All vertebrate embryos go through a stage in which thy have gill pouches, tails, and a coat of fine fur.

16 Molecular Biology Scientists examine the nucleotide of DNA and amino acid sequences of proteins from different species. Closely related species share higher percentages of DNA & amino acids sequences than species that are distantly related.

17 Evaluating molecular homologies
Aligning DNA sequences More bases in common = more closely related Could also show convergent evolution Analyzed by software beware of molecular homologies *


19 Amino Acid Difference in Hemoglobin Compared with Human
Species Difference Gorilla 1 Rhesus Monkey 8 Mouse 27 Chicken 45 Frog 67 Lamprey 125

20 Fossil Record The progression of forms observed in the fossil record is consistent with other inferences about the major branches of descent in the tree of life. Change in environment results in change of species over time, fossil record provides evidence of this


22 Fossil Record The Darwinian view of life
Predicts that evolutionary transitions should leave signs in the fossil record Paleontologists Have discovered fossils of many such transitional forms


24 Endosymbiosis Scientists believe mitochondria and chloroplasts were originally independent prokaryotic bacteria. They entered into a symbiotic relationship with a large, ancestral cell.

25 Endosymbiotic Theory Evidence: Replication by binary fission
Single, circular DNA Ribosomes to make proteins Enzymes similar to living prokaryotes Two membranes around organelle

26 Anatomical evidence of evolution

27 Engage Each table has a set of cards.
Group them based on ACTION of the limb… (fly, swim, walk) Compare and contrast the organisms in each group. What did you put in each group? Why? What type of evolution does this remind you of from yesterday?

ANALOGOUS STRUCTURES Definition: ACTION of the structure is the same but they have a different ancestor and different physical structure. Time

29 What do these have in common?
Insect They fly! Bat Bird

30 So ANALOGOUS structures have the: - Same ACTION (function) - Different ancestor, physical structure (morphology)

31 Flying squirrel

32 Flying DRAGON

33 Engage Each table has a set of cards.
Group them based on the STRUCTURE of the limb… (bones, etc.) Compare and contrast the organisms in each group. What did you put in each group? Why? What type of evolution does this remind you of from yesterday?

ANATOMICAL EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES Definition: PHYSICAL STRUCTURE is the same (common ancestor) but they have a different actions. Morphology is the same. Time

35 What do these have in common?
Their bones! Can do almost anything! Walk Swim Fly

36 So HOMOLOGOUS structures have the: - Same bones and MORPHOLOGY (ancestor, physical structure) - Different action/function

37 Homologous structures
Play 4:30 to 5:55

38 Let’s take a look at the whale’s bones!
What is this organism? Let’s take a look at the whale’s bones!

39 What do you notice about this picture?

VESTIGIAL STRUCTURES Definition: Structure that has LOST much of its ancestral function. EX: Whale hip bones

41 Blind shrimp


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