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How much are these socks?

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Presentation on theme: "How much are these socks?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How much are these socks?
Unit 7 How much are these socks?

2 This is MY phone number. Can you say the numbers?

3 clothes store(衣服店)

4 / æ / a skirt / ɜ : / / ɜ : / a jacket a bag a hat / æ / / æ /
Look ! What’s this ? a jacket a bag a hat / æ / / æ / / æ / a skirt a T-shirt a sweater / ɜ : / / ɜ : / / e /

5 What are these? They’re….
trousers shorts socks shoes / au / / ɔ: / / u: / / ɔ / 注意:在英语中成双成对的物品 常以复数形式出现。

6 Do you remember (记得) them?

7 hat

8 T-shirt

9 sweater

10 shorts

11 trousers

12 skirt

13 socks

14 shoes

15 1a Match the words with the things in the picture. socks __ T-shirt __
shorts __ sweater __ bag __ hat __ trousers __ shoes __ jacket __ skirt __ i d a c f g j b h e

16 1b Listen and circle the things you hear in the pictures in 1a.

17 1c It’s seven dollars. How much is this T-shirt? They’re two dollars.
Practice the conversation above. Then make your own conversations. How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars. They’re two dollars. How much are these socks?

18 Ask and answer: How much is this/that …? It's … dollars. skirt bag
$2 skirt $3 T-shirt $4 sweater $6

19 How much are these/those …? They're … dollars.
$8 shoes socks $6 shorts trousers $8 $7

20 总结一下 How much is this/that + n单? It’s … . 2. How much are these/those + n复 ? They’re … .

21 Exercises sweater T-shirt jacket hat skirt shorts socks shoes trousers

22 1. — How much is (these) sweater?
—It’s 120 yuan. 2. Here (be) your shoes. 3. —How much are those yellow (sock)? —They’re 6 yuan. 4.The red hat is seven (dollar). 5.(this) pink shorts are 70 yuan.

23 1. A: ? B: They’re 2 dollars. 2. A: How much is ? B: It’s 200 yuan.
看图完成对话 1. A: ? B: They’re 2 dollars. 2. A: How much is ? B: It’s 200 yuan. 3. A: are the T-shirts? B: They’re blue. A: the skirt? B: dollars.

24 Homework:

25 Make a survey. name What? How much? Jim T-shirt $ 9

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