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Published byVictoria Wilkins Modified over 6 years ago
Peo Gustavsson/Mats Lindroos IK Manger/Acc proj manger
Accsys IK Peo Gustavsson/Mats Lindroos IK Manger/Acc proj manger
Action 7.2 (1 of April-16) IKRC presentation IK approval process
ESS Procurement and IK contributions, Background and ground rules IK contributions are agreements between ESS partner institutes IK is controlled trough the ESS statues (available at ESS web page) ESS ERIC has its own procurement rules in line with the EU regulations (procurement regulations are available at ESS web page) IK contribution is excluded and considered to not be a part of the procurement regulations ESS use three types of procurements Single sole source procurement Research procurement contracts Open tender Institutions participating the construction of ESS (Host countries or Founding members) Contribution by host countries (material and or services) Sweden and Denmark Host countries, can not contribute with IK If a host country participate in the construction, it will be governed by a Collaboration agreement or Supply and service agreement Member countries can contribute with IK and/or Cash contribution The member countries are organized by IKC and TA, all presented to the IKRC for endorsement and preparation to ESS council for formal approval
Action 7.2 (1 of April-16) IKRC presentation IK approval process
Action 7.2 (1 of April-16) IKRC presentation IK approval process
2013 Initiated ESS a public call of interest, presented at ESS ext. web page Information and Presentations where done multiple time and during different occasions, large gatherings and at a specific institutions Containing all WP and parts of the project (Target, Accelerator, Instrument) Interested institution/parties, could/should express interest for defined WP The value of the scope of work/WP where documented in the Cost Book The selection process (started 2013 and are still in progress) Selection criteria's eg. IK available, experience for defined work (Due diligence) Direct discussions and negotiations where performed Approval process IK packages overall description was done to IKRC as the starting point We have 2 types status, Assigned WP/TA (41) or Open WP/TA (8) All agreed TA are presented to IKRC for endorsement, ESS Council approves after IKRC endorsement (including later changes effecting cost and time schedule, done trough CR)
Action 7.3 (1 of April-16) BrightnESS program presentation and involvement in Transfer of ownership
OBJECTIVES BrightnESS serves as a risk mitigation tool in the delicate process of becoming fully operational In-kind contribution The knowledge and skills of European companies, and institutes, are best deployed in In-Kind Contributions.* Technical performance The highest technical performance is obtained from the ESS target, moderators* and detectors in order to deliver world class science. Increase innovation impact The innovation impact of ESS will be increased through TTO, ILO, PCP activities, and through sustainability measures supporting the ERIC, new members and future user communities. *Based on ESFRI recommendation and the ESS risk register BrightnESS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No Carlo J. Bocchetta –INFN Torino Meeting – Dec 14th, 2016
Overview of WP2 – Four Tasks
Preparation of project implementation and training of resources needed (ESS, CEA, FZJ, INFN, ESSB, STFC) WP2.2 Development and implementation of an In-kind information system for the coordination of IKC activities (Elettra, ESS) WP2.3 Development of an IKC 'Best Practice' system and standards (WEB) and organisation of collaboration meetings WP2.4 Creation of an IKC network of Regional Hubs (ESS, STFC, TUD, FZJ, ESSB, INFN, CEA) Overview of WP2 – Four Tasks BrightnESS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No Carlo J. Bocchetta –INFN Torino Meeting – Dec 14th, 2016
Highlights WP2.4 - Creation of an IKC network of Regional Hubs
Up to 19 people active for WP2.4 – with six leaders. Regional Hub Owner Field Coordinator Countries North-West STFC TU Delft Justin Greenhalgh, Philippa Kingston, Deena Fernandes, Louise Dixon, John Webber for the UK Toon Verhoeven for NL UK NL Central FZJ Stefano Pasini, Tania Claudio Weber DE, CZ, CH Iberia ESS Bilbao Fiamma Garcia-Toriello, Estefania Abad Garcia ES Gallia CEA Florence Ragon, Antoine Dael FR South-East INFN Paolo Mereu, Santo Gammino Ornella Leonardi Andrea Miraglia + 1 new hire IT, HU Nordic-Baltic ESS Marie-Louise Ainalem Miloš Davidović Carlo J. Bocchetta DK, SE, NO,IS, LT, LV, EE, PL WP2 Regional Hubs BrightnESS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No Carlo J. Bocchetta –INFN Torino Meeting – Dec 14th, 2016
Installation Crew (ESS or partner or external)
Action 7.3 (1 of April-16) BrightnESS program presentation and involvement in Transfer of ownership Installation Strategy and planning (time schedule) - authority ESS Lund is the main driver and responsible for the over all installation and Commissioning stratgey and imp. ESS lund will describe and outline the main principels for how the work will be organized The partner follow given instructions and priorities The prtaner will be given timeslots for its exequition of installation and comissioning ESS Lund have an overall installation coordination serving all subproject eg. ACC ACC have its own installation organization and resources to mange the work The main roles Acc Installation manger Insytallation planing manger (time and sequence Area coordinator (eg. Tunnel and gallery) WP coordinators (specific equipment) Support functions RATS manger Resources Tools Logistics/transportations ESS lund have specific TRN req and there will be a specific TRN program for all personell entering the site One of the main objective with the over all installation startegy and plan, is to be able to depict the work to all involved including SSM (Swedens regulator) The partner shall be aware thet there is local variations beween the IK – Partners, this is described in the TA ESS Partner Installation Crew (ESS or partner or external)
Action 7.3 (1 of April-16) BrightnESS program presentation and involvement in Transfer of ownership
Introduction; The presentation outline the main principles to set the FC on track to support the Acc WP with the following; Facilitate the partners description of the installation work, to be documented I in a report. (all interaction) Align the expectations in between all involved parties with the objective to be prepared for all eventualities Define all needed tools and equipment (expectations on ESS and what to bring) Identify potential areas of uncertainties or need for further agreement and descriptions (open issues) To prepare partners for delivery and installation of equipment at the ESS Prepare for information transfer to Assembly crews Define and evaluate need for installation documentation details (assembly drawings, reports, etc are ready). Define and Check that partner-partner information is consistent for interfaces and installation. Define and document Logistics, Legal, Interfaces, Safety, Manpower and accessories (tools, special requirements,…).
TA Status, facts & figures
The work to develop the TA progress as expected the target (in Okt) for IKRC 11 was to present 10 TA TA to present at IKRC 4 (se separate list) TA Ready UK 2 (LWU and High Beta cavities manu) TA endorsed offline 2 (Cryo dist line and test stand) Collab. Agree. developed 2 (Lund, Grid and Aperture Monitors electronics & Aarhus, WS act) Tot TA (more TA TBD ?) TA assigned to a partner 41 TA signed 31 Potential IK open 8 (procurement contracts) IKRC (all remaining)
Planed to be presented at IKRC 11
CEA WP7 Beam Diagnostics Neutron beam loss monitor (nBLM) Signed 2 CNRS WP11 Cryogenics Cryogenic distribution line, spoke linac 3 INFN Milan WP 5 Elliptical Linac Medium-Beta Cavity Fabrication and Testing 4 ESS Bilbao WP17 Modulators ESS Bilbao 3 x Klystron Modulators for NC 5 Wroclaw UT WP 11 Cryogenic distribution line, elliptical linac endorsed 6 Cryogenic distributiontest stand 7 Daresbury WP5 High-Beta Cavity Fabrication and Testing Ready 8 W12 Vacuum Test facilities, LWUs (linac warm units), other vacuum, pickups 9 WP3 MEBT Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) draft 10 Beam Diagn. Medium Beta Beam Stop 11 WP8 RF RF distribution Warm Linac 12 Aarhus University Development and fabrication o Cold Linac WS Actuators Colab 13 Lund Univ. Beam instrumentation electronics for Target grid and aperture monitors
Open Contributions 11.7 Beam Diagnostics
Beam instrumentation for Target grid and aperture monitors (Detectors/beam line components) Proc start, now RF amplifiers Medium-beta klystrons AIK 8.8 Tender process starts , draft specs. High-beta klystrons or IOTs AIK 8.9 Tender latest 2017 11,15 Electrical support Cables, power distribution cabinets AIK 15.1 Tender/IK Q1 2017 11,16 Cooling support Design, construction, installation of piping AIK 16.1 Strategy under development Design, construction, installation of cooling skids AIK 16.2 Modulators High-beta modulators AIK 17.5 VE 11.17 ESS Bilbao 9 x Klystron Modulators for M-Beta AIK 17.6 ESS Bilbao
Spare slides if any question comes on signed endorsed and approved TAs
All Presented and endorsed TAs
ESS Project Country Partner IKC No. WP Description Status ACCSYS Poland The Henryk NiewodniInstitute of Nuclear Physics AIK 10.1 Manpower for cryomodule tests in Lund Agreed - TA signed & approved by Council Wroclaw University of Science and Technology AIK 11.1 Cryogenic distribution line, elliptical linac and test stand France The National Center for Scientific Research AIK 11.2 Cryogenic Distribution Line; Spoke Linac Planned - IKA + TA Signed Pending Council Approval AIK 11.3 Cryogenic distribution line, test stand Norway The University of Bergen AIK 14.1 Ion source expert Estonia Tallinn University of Technology AIK 17.1 Design, Development and Experimental Evaluation of the High Voltage Power Converter Module for IOT Modulator Italy Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste AIK 17.2 Power Converters for Magnets to the ESS Linac Planned - Endorsed TA waiting for IK Agreement AIK 17.3 Power Converter Systems of the ESS Linac Project (PC Installation Phase I & II) Spain ESS Bilbao AIK 17.6 Klystron Modulators for RFQ and DTL AIK 2.1 Linac Magnets The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission AIK 3.4 Radio-frequency Quadrupole National Institute for Nuclear Physcis INFN - Catania AIK 3.5 Ion Source and Low-Energy Beam Transport National Institute for Nuclear Physcis INFN - Legnaro AIK 3.6 Drift-Tube Linac with BPMs, BCMs AIK 4.1 Spoke Cryomodules AIK 5.1 Elliptical Linac H-ECCTD, High Beta Elliptical cavities and cryomodule demonstrator
All Presented and endorsed TAs
ACCSYS France The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission AIK 5.2 Elliptical Cryomodules Components Supply Agreed - TA signed & approved by Council AIK 5.3 Elliptical Cryomodules Engineering and Assembly Italy National Institute for Nuclear Physcis INFN - Milano AIK 5.6 Medium Beta Elliptical Cavities, Fabrication and Testing Planned - IKA + TA Signed Pending Council Approval Poland The National Center for Nuclear Research AIK 6.1 Gamma Blockers AIK 7.1 Emittance Measurement Unit for the low energy beam transport AIK 7.2 Beam Diagnostics (Doppler Shift Measurement for Low-Energy Beam Transport) AIK 7.3 Non-invasive profile monitor Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste AIK 7.4 Wire Scanner Acquisition Planned - Endorsed TA waiting for IK Agreement Norway University of Oslo AIK 7.6 Beam Diagnostics Imaging Systems AIK 7.9 Neutron beam loss monitor Polska Grupa Energetyczna AIK 8.2 LLRF System Units UK Science and Technology Facilities Council - University of Huddersfield AIK 8.3 RF Distribution / Superconducting linac waveguides and directional couplers Hungary Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences AIK 8.4 RF Local protection system AIK 8.5 Spoke RF Power Stations The Henryk NiewodniInstitute of Nuclear Physics AIK 8.6 RF Installation Phase 1 and Phase II Warsaw University of Technology AIK 8.7 Phase-Reference Line
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