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Presentation on theme: "THE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:


2 BIOLOGY Bios (Greek) = Life Logos (Greek) = Study

3 BIOLOGY Two Sub-fields: - BOTANY - ZOOLOGY

4 BOTANY Botane (Greek) = Plant Logos (Greek) = Study

5 ZOOLOGY Zoon (Greek) = Animal Logos (Greek) = Study

6 TAXONOMY - were based on the idea of “fixity of species”.
Original classification schemes: - were based on the idea of “fixity of species”. - were based on similar external features.

7 Carolus Linnaeus - first to catalog organisms based on the function of a structure. Carolus Linnaeus

8 Carolus Linnaeus - later others added the origin of the structure as a criteria. Carolus Linnaeus

9 - Was the structure from independent evolution?
Origin of a structure - Was the structure from independent evolution? Euphorbia – African Desert Cactus – Mexican Desert

10 common ancestor? Origin of a structure - Or was it from a
Ostrich - Africa Rhea – S. America

11 Is the structure an Analogous structure
or an Homologous Structure?

12 Analogous Structures - have similar functions - different internal structure - no common evolutionary origin

13 - but may have different functions
Homologous Structures - have a similar evolutionary origin - but may have different functions


15 The modern Linnaean system assumes that the more homologies two species share…
the closer they must be in terms of evolutionary distance.

16 The closer they are in terms of evolutionary distance…
the more likely they should be in similar classification groups.


18 Linnaean System Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Class - Mammalia
Order - Primates Family - Hominidae Genus - Homo Species - sapiens

19 Kingdoms? In Ancient times: 1 Animalia Woof !

20 Kingdoms? In Ancient times: 1 Animalia 2 Plantae

21 Kingdoms? 1 Animalia 2 Plantae 3 Fungi 3 4 Protista 5 Monera
By 1969 we had . . . 1 Animalia 2 Plantae 3 Fungi 3 4 Protista 5 Monera

22 Kingdoms? 1 Animalia 3 Fungi 2 Plantae 4 Protista 5 Archaebacteria 5 ?
1 - 4 = Eukaryotic = Prokaryotic Today: 1 Animalia 3 Fungi 2 Plantae 4 Protista 5. Eubacteria – true bacteria 6. Archaebacteria – bacteria-like (hot springs, sea vents, sewage plants & swamp sediments) 5 Archaebacteria 5 ? 6 ? 6 Eubacteria 1 - 4 = Cell Type? = Cell Type?

23 Archaebacteria Eubacteria METAPROTOCELLS Anerobic

24 Archaebacteria Eubacteria METAPROTOCELLS

25 Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Plantae Animalia Fungi
METAPROTOCELLS Protista Plant-like Protists Animal-like Protists Fungus-like Protists Plantae Animalia Fungi

26 Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Plantae Animalia Fungi
METAPROTOCELLS Protista Plant-like Protists Animal-like Protists Fungus-like Protists Plantae Animalia Fungi

27 Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus   Species  

28 Binomial Nomenclature
- Two Latin Names; genus & species, to designate each type of organism

29 Homo is our genus sapiens is our species Species name:
ex: Homo sapiens, or "man who is wise" Homo is our genus sapiens is our species

30 Define “Species” ? - if two organisms can mate and produce fertile offspring, they are probably members of the same species.

31 A few thoughts about life over the long term. . .

32 Supernovas can occur approx
Supernovas can occur approx. every 50,000 years and can bombard this planet with up to 700 roentgens of radiation.

33 Most forms of life can not survive over 500 roentgens.

34 99% of all plant and animal species that have ever existed on this planet have already become extinct. 

35 Large animals, including humans, are freakishly rare life forms, since 99% of all known animal species are smaller than bumble bees.

36 Just THINK about that for a moment...


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