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Ecclesiastes 7: Ecclesiastes 7:15-20 MAN IS IMPERFECT! He is a Sinner! 2 Chronicles 6:36 "..there is no one who does not sin.." Psalm 143:2.

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2 Ecclesiastes 7:15-20

3 MAN IS IMPERFECT! He is a Sinner!
2 Chronicles 6:36 "..there is no one who does not sin.." Psalm 143:2 " Your sight no one living is righteous." Proverbs 20:9 "Who can say...I am pure from my sin?" Romans 3:9 “both Jews and Greeks … are all under sin.”

Abraham lied to Pharaoh and caused wife to do likewise – Genesis 12:10-19 Noah became drunk! – Genesis 9:20,21 Moses disobeyed God! – Numbers 20:11,12 Peter denied the Lord and swore with a false oath! – Mark 14:66-72

5 “Nobody’s perfect!” “What’s the use?”

6 OUR IMPERFECTION Should produce personal meekness
Admit our sins when we pray – Matthew 6:9-13; 1 John 1:8,9 Should help us to see our neighbors & their sins differently – “I make mistakes, my brother sins!” – Matthew 7:1-5 Forgiveness of sins conditioned on willingness to forgive- Matthew 6:14,15

7 OUR IMPERFECTION Must not let us tolerate sin or compromise with sin/sinners Peter rebuked those guilty of sin: Acts 5:4 “…lied to God.” Acts 8:20-22 “your money perish with you…heart is not right in the sight of God…Repent …of this your wickedness”

8 OUR IMPERFECTION Avoid setting before us human examples
1 Peter 2:22 “who committed no sin, nor was guile found in His mouth.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 “Who knew no sin!” 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” Every human being will eventually FAIL!

9 OUR IMPERFECTION Should make us realize our dependence on Christ for Salvation Romans 3:22-24 “…all have sinned & fall short of the Glory of God” Romans 5:9-11 “…justified by His blood… saved from wrath through Him”

10 OUR IMPERFECTION Should make us cultivate important elements of our character Honestly acknowledge our own sinfulness- no room for self pride! Patience – 2 Timothy 4:6,7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

11 Difference Between Christian & Alien Sinner
Christians Repents & Renounces his sins- has no desire to continue in them! Alien Sinner Doesn’t Care & Continues in Them! Christian Loathes His Sins & lives for a times when he will be completely RID OF THEM! Alien Sinner Loves his sins & Joyfully Wallows in them!

12 WHICH OF THESE ARE YOU? What are you going to do about it?
Are you ready to face your sins in Judgment?

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