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A great site for knowledge

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1 A great site for knowledge

2 Visit again at
Tsunamis Visit again at Thursday, 04 April 2019.

3 Connector Pupil Discussion:
What is a tsunami? How might you know a tsunami is on its way? What are the effects of a tsunami?

4 Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson:
All pupils will know what a tsunami is All pupils will be able to explain how they form All pupils will consider the Boxing Day Tsunami 2004

5 What is a tsunami? The word tsunami comes from two Japanese words. “Tsu” means harbour and “nami” means wave. People commonly make the mistake of associating tsunamis with tidal waves which is inaccurate as tsunamis are not caused by the tides. A tsunami is a huge wave generated by underwater tectonic activity which displaces (moves a large amount) of water which in turn generates a wave. Waves can vary in height between 5m and 40m depending on how much water was displaced. It has an extremely long wave length (distance between waves) and waves can reach speeds of 600miles per hour.

6 What causes a tsunami?

7 As a tsunami leaves the deep water of the open sea and reaches the shallower waters near the coast, it undergoes a transformation. The speed of the tsunami is related to the water depth, as the depth of the water decreases, the speed of the tsunami also decreases. The wave has the same amount of energy, despite the slowing speed and so the height of the wave grows. A tsunami that can barely be seen in deep water may grow to be several feet or more in height.

8 The Asian Tsunamis, December 2004
On 26th Dec 2004, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia The epicentre was located under sea water This is the fourth largest earthquake i the world since 1900 The earthquake swept across the Indian Ocean within hours Over 120,000 people lost their lives in the disaster Areas near the epicentre in Indonesia were left devastated The tsunamis also affected coastal areas in Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India and places as far as Somalia in Africa

9 The Asian Tsunamis December 2004

10 The Countries Worst Affected

11 What were the impacts of the Tsunami?
Consider social, economic and environmental impacts whilst you watch this clip




15 Aerial Photos from Thailand – Before and After
13th Jan 2003 29th Dec 2004

16 In total about 230,000 people are believed to have lost their lives, with a further 125,000 injured and over 1.5 million displaced

17 The Countries Worst Affected and Relief Efforts

18 What role do the international community play when a natural disaster strikes?

19 What were the responses to the Tsunami?
Complete the card sort using this table: Short term responses Long term responses Individuals Governments Non-governmental organisation

20 Group Work – Reporting the Tsunami 2004

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