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Bakersfield City School District

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Presentation on theme: "Bakersfield City School District"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bakersfield City School District
2018/2019 Student Attendance Training

2 First Week of Attendance Reminder
Warm Body Count forms- due to Fiscal Services by fax or before 2:00 p.m. address are: or Fax number:

3 AERIES System Changes No more MIS. Updated Absence Codes
New Document Codes New Form- Parent Verification Form (Parent Note)

4 AERIES System- New Forms and Codes
Run Weekly Attendance Report (PAR41) every first Monday morning. Track teacher attendance submission by running the Attendance Submission Log (PAR11 and PAR20). Run Students with Unverified Period Absences (for Middle schools) and Students with Unverified Absences (ALL schools) (ATT09 and ATT44).

5 AERIES System- New Forms and Codes
Run the Monthly Attendance Report and Monthly Attendance Summary Report (ATT05) at the end of every attendance month. Enrollment by Track and Teacher (MyATT20) to get the active enrollment count.

6 New Absence Codes A Unverified Absence Unverified C Complete ISP
Verified (ADA) E Excused Verified H Holiday I Incomplete ISP J Partial Day – Valid- 30 minutes and less K Partial Day – Valid- 31 minutes or more L Partial Day - 30 minutes and less (unexcused) Verified (ADA M Partial Day - 31 minutes or more (unexcused) N Not Enrolled Day O Wellness Center (WC)/Office P Partial Day Suspension Q Head Lice- Unexcused (in excess of one day to eradicate head lice) R Head Lice- Excused (excused) S Full Day Suspension U Unexcused Z Pending

7 New Document Codes A01 Absence Log- Illness/Injury A02
Absence Log- Out of Town A03 Absence Log- Dentist A04 Absence Log- Funeral A05 Absence Log- Excused Head Lice A06 Absence Log-Unexcused Head Lice A07 Absence Log S01 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Medical Appointment S02 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Sent Home (Discipline) S03 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Sent Home (Illness/Injury) S04 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Transportation Issues S05 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Funeral S06 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Non-Medical Appointment S07 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Head Lice S08 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets- Wellness Center T01 Tardy Slip- Late T02 Tardy Slip- Medical Appointment T03 Tardy Slip- Illness T04 Tardy Slip- Non- Medical Appointment T05 Tardy Slip- District Transportation T06 Tardy Slip- Personal Reasons T07 Tardy Slip- Wellness Center D01 Doctors Note P01 Parent Note P02 Parent Verification Form- Ill P03 Parent Verification Form- Doctor/Dentist P04 Parent Verification Form- Out of Town P05 Parent Verification Form- Funeral (In state immediate family) P06 Parent Verification Form- Funeral (Out of state immediate family) P07 Parent Verification Form- Other Reasons R01 Religious Waivers TAC Teacher Attendance Correction Form/ RTC Request to Change Attendance Form WCM Wellness Center Medical Note


9 Student Attendance Why does it matter?
It’s the law. Every child between the ages of six and eighteen is required to attend public school full-time, with very limited exceptions. (Education Code 48200) It’s a necessary part of the learning process. Students are more successful in academics when they attend school. K-12 funding is based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA). Student attendance generates over 75% of the district’s general fund operating revenues. (2018/19 estimate = $297.6 million)

10 Attendance vs Enrollment
We are funded based on the number of students we serve, not the number we plan on serving. The costs of setting up the instructional program will be a loss unless the students actually attend.

11 How Much Money Are We Talking About?
ADA is calculated using P-2 attendance (August 15, 2018 through March 22, 2019 = 136 days) 2018/19 estimated revenue per student = $9,919 (approx. $72.93 per day) 100% attendance = $9,919 95% attendance = $9,423 Loss = $496 $496 x 30,371 = $15 million

12 Why Does it Matter How We Take Attendance?
Because anytime money is involved, oversight can be expected! Attendance accounting software, forms and procedures must be reviewed and approved by: California Department of Education District external auditors (Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP) This isn’t the honor system, VTD will verify forms & procedures during our annual audit!


14 BCSD’s School calendar
BCSD has a single district-wide calendar School Year: 180 days in a School Year July 1 to June 30 School Month: 20 days or four (4) weeks of five days each week School Days: Monday-Friday (Excluding Weekends)

15 School Calendar cont. ALL schools MUST meet the required annual instructional minutes required by CDE Kindergarten: 36,000 Grades 1-3: 50,400 Grades: 4-8: 54,000 Educational Services Department uses the schools Bell Schedules to calculate the required annual instructional minutes. Bell Schedules are used by attendance in preparing school sites Time Calculator. Time Calculator is used by school sites in verifying minutes missed for partial day absences (J, K, L, M, and P)


17 When can you inactivate a student?
When Cume Requests are received from another school. When a parent/guardian fill-out and sign the Student Withdrawal Form (see attached form). Inactivating for Unknown Reason: School site MUST exhaust all options in figuring our the students status: Calling all contact numbers in the students emergency contact card Home visit (includes neighbor inquiry) has been done. Student Services department has been contacted to research student in CALPADS. Once everything has been exhausted, clerk/secretary MUST communicate with their Principal and get an approval that they are inactivating the student. Note: Inactivation date is the first day of consecutive absences.


19 Verification of absences
Employees verify absences to determine compliance with compulsory attendance law. Only district employees can verify, not volunteers or students. (Compulsory attendance law: pupils ages 6-18 required to attend school full-time with regular and punctual attendance). Any reasonable method which establishes the fact of the absence. Employee should not accept documentation or information that is known to be false.

20 Method of Verification
Tardy Slips Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheets Absence/Call-In/Verification Logs Doctors/Parents/Guardian Notes/Parent Verification Form Religious Waivers Teacher Change Forms/ s Request to Change Attendance Records. Note: All documents are CDE approved forms. These forms cannot be modified without an approval from CDE.

21 Complete School Codes:
What is ISP? Independent Study (ISP) is a different way of learning. In independent study, a student is guided by a teacher but usually does not take classes with other students every day. The student works independently. Complete School Codes: C (work credited, we get ADA) I (academic credit only, no ADA) Note: School clerks/secretaries MUST send the completed ISP contracts to Johnetta Hampton of Student Services ASAP in order to update Complete School.


23 Monthly Reconciliations
Sites MUST ensure the detailed monthly reports are accurate, as this information is used by the district office staff to prepare the summary reporting to the State. Attendance Reports Post ALL applicable attendance information into AERIES (Tardy Slips, Absence logs, Sign-Out&Sign-In sheets, Doctors/Parents/Guardian notes/Parent Verification Forms, Religious waivers, Teacher Attendance Correction forms/ s) Print-out clear Attendance Audit Log to verify that there are no errors. Print-out monthly attendance report and summary. Clear Submitted Submission Reports and completed Submission reports (include signed Weekly Attendance Reports from teachers)

24 Attendance Reports P-1 Report: Month 1 to Month 4 of attendance months
Due to the County office: January 4, 2019 P-2 Report: Month 1 to Month 8 of attendance months Due to the County office: April 19, 2019 P-2 Revised: Month 1 to Month 8 of attendance months Due to the County office: July 4, 2019 Annual: Month 1 to Month 11 of attendance months

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