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Lincoln Elementary School by Jazmine Woods 6/15/2014 Instructor: Kristina Bodamer ECE:497: Child Development Capstone.

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Presentation on theme: "Lincoln Elementary School by Jazmine Woods 6/15/2014 Instructor: Kristina Bodamer ECE:497: Child Development Capstone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lincoln Elementary School by Jazmine Woods 6/15/2014 Instructor: Kristina Bodamer ECE:497: Child Development Capstone

2 Welcome to Lincoln Elementary School
Welcome to Lincoln Elementary School. The school welcomes the community to help better are school for a successful future. We consider the population of the students. Within the school there is 765 students. The focus today is the students from PreK to 6th grade. We must take into the consideration of every child that is attending Lincoln Elementary. The goal of the school is to give each child a wonderful learning experience. To direct each child to accomplish and prepare each child for success. Percent of Students 5% White 93% Hispanic 2% American Indian Percent of Students of Lunch 94% Free/ reduce lunch Percent of language Learners 58% language learners

3 My Role In the school as a Child development Professional
My role in the school system is to work with the community to provide assistance in areas to help the staff, families, parents and students to achieve all goals big and small. Today I am here to give the community an understanding of how as a community we as a group can help are students achieve and go beyond success.

4 The age group relating to the Prek and 6th grades could be from 5 to 11 years of age.
The School would like to send the message to parents about how we the community affects a child and their development progress. The system of development begins with Prek. Prek is the beginning years and could be the most important years of their learning in development. It is where a child begins to grow, begins to understand and become curious of the world that surrounds them. What we do as community can possibly affects are children upbringing as a whole.

5 Bronfenbrener’s Ecological System
To help understand how the community effects our students as a whole we look at Bronfenbrener’s Ecological System Berk, L. E. (2013) pg. 27 Bronfenbrener’s Ecological System

6 Lets Look at the Mesosystem
The Mesosyetem is the interaction in the child economics environment according to Bronfenbrener’s Theory. The environment which surrounds the child development outside and inside of home. Children who are most likely abused or surrounded by habits that can affect a child health is most likely to pick up on those habits. Children might have behavioral issues within the school system and at home. Within Families if a child environment is alter in any sort of way such as divorce, or passing of a family or friend member, physical and verbal abuse finical situation can cause stress and anxiety on a child. These type of interaction with a child can cause behavioral problems. Even though the interaction is not towards the child the child still collects the observation given to them. Their eyes are the screen and their minds are the computer in taking every bit of information that they see, hear, and sense. Examples of how the Mesosystem effects a child development is by the interaction within their environment. Families such as Parents, brothers, sister etc. Playing with other children. Interaction between other Adults such as teacher and Child centers Next door neighbors adults and children Things to think about: The child goes to a friends house. The friend is just about finish ready to go out. The friend waiting see the father smoking. The father look healthy and strong. The child soon begin to mimic the friends father. The child looks up to the father because the child father had pass away. Even though the father think the child as just a friend the child mimicking him see him as his role model. Just that type of impact of neighbors in the community can make a impact even if one might not think so. Teachers can have just as much influence.

7 What can we do As community to help are Students today.
Epstein had created six types of interaction that functions in a school community those are Parenting Communicating Volunteering Learning at Home Decision Making Collaborating with the community Each one of these interactions can improve are students and help them become self motivated to do great things.

8 Parenting Activities Can help parents and children bond together.
Reading together: Take turn reading to one another. Building: Children enjoy to build. Getting boxes or anything that can be combined into making a pretend game helps the child's creativity and imagination. Going on walks to the park or just done the street. To get to know and understand one another. Can talk about anything which might even help with letting out emotions. Children in the community begins with parents. Parents must understand there is a difference of interaction. A parent must understand participating in a child life can build a child self esteem. Become interactive between parent and child soon becomes a bonds. It important that a child fells secure and safe in their own home. As parents role it important to encourage goals and self-esteem. It also important to assure an understanding of the reason why to the child. If parents have questions of challenges in a home environment it best to consult a other parents or the staff here at the school. Think about what parenting skills you use

9 Communicating Communicating focus on the student, the school, and the parent. All three parties must come to an understanding of what the student expectation are at home and in a school setting. At school there are policy for staff and parents to understand. If there is a problem at school or in the home it must be solve. The only way to help the student to become successful is only through communication. Without communication between parents and school the student would not know what responsibility are expected of them and can cause stress and confusion. Example of Communicating A student begins to start saying inappropriate words. At home the parents do not mind. However it becomes disruption in a classroom. It important to talk to the parents to find an understanding of the student behavior change and how the school and parents can help as a whole to get the child back on track to success.

10 Volunteering Example of Volunteering Both Mailey’s parents show up for a baking field trip. Their daughter is happy to see them. The students are learning how to bake cakes however the father is like the students first time learners where the mother is an expert at baking. The student might become comfortable seeing someone older than them being a first time learner. This helps builds the students confidence as the father is learning with the students as the mother helps the students in baking and decorating their cakes. Volunteering benefits helps student of security. Volunteering helps students achieve school goals and success for their future. The staff appreciate the hard work volunteers take out of their day and helps the students and staff to assure a better future for are students. A volunteer can be anyone who willing to help within the school to provided service to help the students reach their goals.

11 Learning at Home Some parents might believe a student can only learn in school. To help a student progress refereeing back to activities other learning activities can be board games of logical thinking, doing puzzles together, doing a learning activity together such as math, spelling. Assuring an organize schedule as to when to eat, sleep, play, and homework. Other things to consider a student between the ages of understanding rights and wrong. The structure begin in a home setting. Depending on parenting skills it can be a confusion environment especially if there is an alter that the student is not use to which can cause stress and anxiety for the student. Example Rails mother is outside washing the car. She wants to help but the mother thinks she to small to help. Eventually the mother allows Rail to help. He gets water all over him selves. At first the mother becomes annoyed but he begins to laugh than she begins to laugh as she shows him the proper way to hold the water hose. Teaches him how to wash the car.

12 Decision Making Includes both school and parents voices. What helps and come to a understanding what should change. What should stay the same. As community each of are opinions matter. Their well be debates but those debates can come to agreement by coming together and listing to everyone opinion including the students in decision making. In the community each of us matter. All of us need to assure to work together to provide and give the students what we think they might need to what they might feel of what they need. Example: It is going to be Lucy birthday. She been feeling down lately and is special education. The students want to do something nice for Lucy because she has a way of bringing up someone day. The students want to throw Lucy a party to bring up her self esteem. The students want to have it in a bad area because of the room. The parents however do not agree upon the party due to the area where the staff understand the intentions of the students but should have it an area where it safe. This is where parents and staff should come together to become understanding of the students intention and decided how to carry out what the student wants to do.

13 Collaborating with the community
This is the most important each interaction affects everyone in the community in some way. By the actions to the students and how we treat one another as a whole. Each of us must be able to understand different situation's. There are some situation that we as a whole can not fix such as health problems in a family, but we as a whole can be supportive. We should never be judgmental of one another. We have no idea what another person situation. All we can do is hopefully we help each other give guidance to one another to help one another and pass such lesson on to the students of helping one another as a whole. When we help each other doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from it show we are family that we love and respect one another.

14 Together as a community we do make a difference in are own ways in different ways. Each of us the school staff, parents, family members, care givers, friends all of us that attend this school make up a community. It important to thrive and become one to helps are students for a better future for a better tomorrow. Each of us is the community and it important that all of us work together. For ourselves for are students futures and for the community. Here at Lincoln Elementary we are all family. As a family we feed and prosper for one another for success for each and everyone of us. To assure each and everyone of us reach are goals to success.

15 Reference Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Epstein, J. (n.d.). Epstein's framework of six types of involvement. Retrieved from _Six_Types_of_Involvement(2).pdf Education Portal. (n.d.) Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory of Development: Definition & Examples. Retrieved from systems-theory-of-development-definition-examples.html Washington J(2003)(Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement) Retrieved from: Framework_ pdf

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