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Deep Vein Thrombosis By Jonah Paul Cox.

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1 Deep Vein Thrombosis By Jonah Paul Cox

2 info Deep Vein Thrombosis is a blood clot that is mostly found in your legs This disease is common and can be dangerous. If the clot breaks off and travels through your bloodstream it can block your lungs

3 info Deep Vein Thrombosis is most commonly found in people 40 and up.
People who have had a DVT or PE are likely to get Deep Vein Thrombosis

4 Symptoms Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis include Swelling in the leg
Pain in your leg A feeling of warmth in the affected leg

5 Systems affected The Pulmonary Artery, the main blood vessel to the lungs, affected by DVT from a pulmonary embolism (PE). This occurs when the clot loses its attachment to the inside of the vein. Which makes it clog up the Pulmonary Artery.

6 What causes DVT If blood moves too slowly it can cause a clot, which then causes a vein deep inside your body. Which then causes DVT.

7 Cures or treatments Blood thinners are a common treatment for DVT. Blood thinners Helps prevent blood clots from forming or helps dissolve existing clots. Heparin is also a medication for DVT, Heparin is used to decrease the clotting ability of the blood and help prevent harmful clots from forming in blood vessels.

8 Prevention of DVT Lose weight, if you are overweight. Stay active
Exercise regularly, walking is good. Avoid long periods of staying still.

9 How Does DVT Affect A Person’s life
You might have to take blood thinning medication for the rest of his life the patients can be impacted due to side-effects from long term medical treatments. hypercoagulability disorder, this means that they’re more prone to blood clots than others.

10 Sources

11 Thanks for watching

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