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Presentation on theme: "NEGATIVE REFRACTION AND FOCUSING USING PHOTONIC CRYSTALS"— Presentation transcript:

DALHM Meeting July 29, FORTH, Heraklion, Crete

2 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
outline Negative Refraction and Focusing studies on 2D photonic crystals so far: I. TM polarized lower band of a 2D dielectric photonic crystal. (E. Çubukçu, K. Aydın) II. TE polarized upper band of a 2D dielectric photonic crystal. (K. Güven, K. Aydın, Boratay Alıcı) III. Metallic-dielectric photonic crystal. (İ. Bulu, H. Çağlayan) Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

3 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
I. Cubukcu E., Aydin K., Ozbay E., Foteinopoulou S., and Soukoulis C. M., (2003) Nature, 423, 604; (2003) Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 91, Square Lattice of dielectric (alumina n=3.13) rods in air. a = 4.79 mm. ω= GHz Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

4 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

5 Subwavelength Focusing
ω= GHz (λ=21.9 mm) dsrc=7.0 mm (0.3λ) Lateral intensity profile at d = 7.0 mm FWHM=0.21λ Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

6 Subwavelength resolution
Two source configuration: dsrc=7.0 mm Δdsrc=λ/3 Top: two coherent sources ω= GHz) Bottom: two incoherent sources ω1= ω2= GHz) Fact: No sub-λ resolution even for n=15 (dash-dotted line)! Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

7 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
II. TE Polarized Upper Band of a 2D dielectric PC (submitted to Phys. Rev. B) Hexagonal crystal a=4.79 mm r=1.57 mm n=3.13 ω= GHz Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

8 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Frequency surface and equal frequency contours of the 5th band in the full Brillouin zone Group Velocity and Phase Velocity are antiparallel. Thus: becomes negative Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

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10 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
high order reflection occurs Propagation in the PC appears to be a single beam (mark 4), also supported by the presence of a single transmitted beam (mark 5) S. Foteinopoulou, and C. M. Soukoulis Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

11 Effective refractive index calculation using Snell’s Law
Incidence angle 150 300 450 neff (exp.) -0.52 -0.66 -0.86 neff (sim.) -0.72 -0.80 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

12 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Focusing of an omnidirectional source: dsrc/λ=2 dsrc/λ=4 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

13 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Intensity profiles in the focusing plane Experiment FDTD Simulation Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

14 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Lateral Intensity Profiles at the respective focus locations for different source-PC distances: dsrc + dfocus≈constant Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

15 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Flat Lens Behavior Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

16 Resolution of two sources?
Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

17 I. Bulu, H. Caglayan, and E. Ozbay (submitted to Phys. Rev. B)
Negative Refraction and Focusing using a 2D metallo-dielectric photonic crystal I. Bulu, H. Caglayan, and E. Ozbay (submitted to Phys. Rev. B)

18 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Why metal-dielectric photonic crystal? The EFCs of metallic crystal are much smaller than the free space EFCs. All angle negative refraction requires (approximately) EFC between two media. A periodic dielectric perturbation to the metallic photonic crystal “flattens” the bands. Square lattice, a=1.1 cm, alumina (dielectric) and aluminum (metal) rods. Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

19 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
For the plotted free space EFS, at all incidence angles group velocities of the incident field and the refracted field fall into different sides of the surface normal vector. Conservation of the surface parallel component of the wave vector indicates that at the plotted frequency all incidence angles are negatively refracted. Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

20 Incidence: 35o Positively refracted, f=8.8 GHz
Negatively refracted, f=9.77 GHz Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

21 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
within the frequency range of 9.1 GHz and 10.3 GHz waves are negatively refracted. as the angle of incidence increases so does the angle of refraction. Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

22 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Focusing is observed away from the surface of the crystal. For source distances of 5 cm (top) and 7 cm (bottom) the focusing points are at 7.5 cm and 4.8 cm, respectively. Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

23 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
CONCLUSIONS Various photonic structures are employed for the investigation of negative refraction and focusing phenomena in the microwave regime: The two mechanisms giving rise to negative refraction is demonstrated experimentally. Focusing: Sub-λ resolution close to the interface (near field) and resolution on par with λ away from the interface (far field) is achieved. A solid framework of experiment and theory (band-structure analysis and FDTD simulations) is established. Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

24 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Outlook Near: Optimized structure (The Quest for n=-1!, isotropic band structure) Enhanced transmission (better coupling at the interface. Surface corrugation analysis) Further investigation of metal-dielectric and all metal photonic crystals. Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete

25 Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete
Outlook Far: Scaling down (Far-infrared and beyond?) Going up: 3D? Taken from: Guven - DALHM Meeting - July 2004 FORTH - Crete


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