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Tone, Constructed Response, and Flyswatter

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1 Tone, Constructed Response, and Flyswatter
Day 19 Tone, Constructed Response, and Flyswatter

2 Agenda Warm Up Flyswatter Tone- A few words Constructed Response
Grammar: Direct Object Closure

3 Objectives: Homework: Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of tone.
Identify and understand the direct objects and their role in a sentence. Homework: Enjoy the weekend!

4 Warm up Write 3 sentences about AK. Each sentence needs to convey a different tone. You may not use explicit emotion in the sentences.

5 Adroit Amicable Averse Belligerent Benevolent Cursory Duplicity Extol Feasible Grimace Holocaust Impervious Impetuous Jeopardy Meticulous Nostalgia Quintessence Retrogress Scrutinize Tepid

6 A Few Words Page 862 Open your books to page 862.
With your partner answer the question :“Is CUTE a compliment?”

7 Is the word applied to adults or just children?
Read the first paragraph then explain ways people use CUTE. Is the word applied to adults or just children? Is it applied equally to both genders? Which animals are described as cute?

8 How would you describe Oliver’s tone?
Read lines 1-15. How would you describe Oliver’s tone? Identify the words and images she uses to express this tone. The first sentence presents a strong image that sets a determined tone. Oliver’s tone can be described as direct, brisk, and forceful. She creates this tone through the repeated use of the negative, as in “Nothing in the forest is cute. The dog fox is not cute, nor the little foxes.” She also uses some disturbing images- “carrying the soiled wing of a gull…..small teeth snapping.” She also uses short declarative sentences “Toys are cute. But animals are not toys.”

9 Read the rest of the passage on your own.
As you read, note striking words, details, and images that Oliver uses, and consider the tone they convey. Use a double-entry journal to annotate for tone.

10 Constructed Response We have read examples of tone. Describe Oliver’s overall tone in this essay. As a reader, what can you tell about her attitude toward nature? The response must be one paragraph in length and it must include three quotes. It must address the tone and follow the CR template on the next slide.

11 Constructed Response (submit in Google Classroom)
Thesis: Introductory Statement identifying the main point Reference Detail I Elaboration, Signification, Explanation Reference Detail II Elaboration ,Significance, Explanation Synthesis: Conclude by connecting all ideas.


13 Guided Practice – Direct Objects
Direct objects are nouns/pronouns/ or word groups that tells who or what receives the action of a verb or shows the result of the action. Direct objects answer the question “Whom?” or “What?” after an action verb. Direct objects are generally not found in prepositional phrases.

14 Example: Example: Germs cause illness. Subject: Germs Verb: Cause Germs cause what? Direct Object: ___________

15 Direct Object Cont. Identify the direct object:
Peter said “Gesundheit.” Lucy visited me. They were taking whatever was left. I enjoy this magazine very much. This article gives interesting facts about libraries. What a scary movie we saw!

16 Direct Objects - Partners
Get into your pairs and download a worksheet. Complete the worksheet in class or have it for homework. If you have a question, ask your partner first.

17 1. The referee stopped the fight.
2. Jack brought the beautiful flowers. 3. Joan bought a bicycle. 4. Power plants use fuel. 5. The work of animals provided power in early civilizations. 6. The flow of water turned other simple machinery. 7. Fire created light and heat for centuries.

18 8. An engine changes energy from heat into mechanical motion.
9. Heat from burning fuel creates steam from water. 10. James Watt invented the first steam engine. 11. The food smells good. 12. The drink tastes bitter. 13. Bob is a ninth-grader. 14. Keri feels lonely.

19 15. The motor in our jeep sounds different.
16. My brother often becomes a clown at parties. 17. The Garcia’s seemed satisfied with their new retirement home. 18. One of the bears appeared very ferocious. 19. The flowers on the south side looked wilted. 20. The place of his birth remains a mystery to everyone. 21. The water from the artesian well smelled foul.

20 Closure 3, 2, 1 Write: 3 things you have learned about tone today.
2 examples of hard-to-find subjects. 1 question you still have regarding today’s lesson.



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