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Agenda Things to Get: Things to Do: I can Handouts from the shelf

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1 Agenda Things to Get: Things to Do: I can Handouts from the shelf
Learn about the conquistadors and their impact on the Americas Review larger impact and the explorers Understand the effects of slave trade I can Articulate the impact the European influence on the Americas and the slave trade Agenda

2 Early Latin America Notes

3 Opener 1. Define: Columbian Exchange
2. Name the three most important food items that were traded from the Americas to Europe. 3. Words such as encounter, first-contact, and discovery have been used to characterize the coming of Europeans to the Americas. What is a danger in using these sorts of terms historically? 4. What was the analogy given for the number of native deaths attributed to European diseases? They killed more than the … 5. What is the overall legacy, in your opinion, of the Columbian Exchange? Opener

4 Americas 1492-1570 Remarkable spurt of human destruction and creation.
Immigration, commerce, and exploitation of native populations linked these areas to an emerging Atlantic economy Mexico and Peru with their mineral resources attracted Spain and became the focus of immigration and institution building The Portuguese laid claims on the land of Brazil

5 Iberian Peninsula Iberian Peninsula
Term for Spain and Portugal By 1570, much of the Americas are under Iberian control Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile (Spain) carry out a program of unification to eliminate religious diversity within their kingdoms Fall of Granada in Last Muslim kingdom in Iberian Peninsula Isabella orders out all Jews if they do not convert- 200,000 leave It is Isabella and Ferdinand who finance Christopher Columbus’ expedition Why explore? Gold, Glory, and God

6 Iberian society and tradition in the Americas
Patriarchal society Europeans live in cities and towns and surrounded by rural native population Large estates with encomiendas: land with American Indian laborers to encomenderos, the holder of an encomienda It was a kind of serfdom Iberian Peninsula also had tradition of having African Slaves and they extended this to the Americas with American Indians first, then African slaves later

7 Settlements-(Social)
Settlements in Latin America that were set up by the Spanish typically had the following: A town hall Major church Governor's palace ALL IN CENTRAL PLAZA

8 Spain created administrative institutions: the governorship, the treasury office, and the royal court of appeals Body of laws was developed (obviously developed after what already was in existence in Europe) Church- Priests represent churches (Catholic) 1530- Cathedrals being built on Hispaniola and a university soon follows. Rule-(Political)

9 1510- More Spanish people begin to immigrate from Spain; many Spanish women come in this year
Spanish and Italian merchants also begin to import African slaves to work the sugar plantations Shifts from an area of conquest, to an area of settlement Gold hunting phase is out- establishment of ranches and sugar plantations is in Immigration

10 Disease Europeans brought MAJOR disease
Within 30 years the majority of the indigenous population died due to disease or had been killed during conquest This led to an increased number of slaves being brought over from Africa to do the work for the native Americans who had passed away Bartolome de Las Casas- conquistador turned priest who initiated a struggle for justice for the native Americans Disease

11 Agriculture and mining are the basis of the Spanish Colonial economy
Remember, they began exploring after finding their were precious metals here, so why not mine? SILVER, SILVER, SILVER! Discovered in Mexico and Peru between 1545 and 1565. Silver carried back to Spain on heavily armed ship called GALLEONS. Locally, haciendas were land estates that produced grains, grapes, and livestock that could be sold throughout the Americas. Became basis of wealth and power for local aristocracy. Economy

12 Sociedad de castas Essentially a societal hierarchy.
Basic set up: Europeans or whites are at the top, African slaves or natives at the bottom, and mixed ancestry in between. Further distinctions: Peninsulars: those actually born in Spain Creoles: those born in the new world – white but their ancestry was always in question because they could have mixed blood in their lineage What would the social implications of introducing African slaves to this system? Sociedad de castas

13 Triangular Trade and the Middle Passage

14 Introduction: Triangular Trade (1-4)
Triangular Trade got its name because the routes form a triangle Each route of the triangle traded something needed on the other end Ex: Gunpowder, guns, rum and tools were shipped from the West Indies to the west coast of Africa – there the ships would be loaded with slaves and return to the West Indies The best-known triangular trading system is the transatlantic slave trade Operated from the late 16th to early 19th centuries between West Africa, the Caribbean and Americas and Europe. The following products were traded: Slaves cash crops and raw materials manufactured goods Rum gunpowder

15 3-9

16 Overview Africa is PULLED into the international economy by the use of slavery. During the Columbian exchange of foods, diseases, and ideas, people were unfortunately also included in this list. Known as ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE. Portuguese ships sail down the western coast of Africa and established factories that were forts and trading posts with resident merchants in the area. The first slaves were brought into Portugal in 1441, after that, they became a major trade item for years. Triangular Trade- slaves taken Americas, sugar, tobacco and other goods taken to Europe, and then European products sent to the coast of Africa to begin the process again.

17 Middle Passage 1600 - 1850’s The Capture
Approx. 60 forts built along the west coast of Africa. Walked in slave caravans to the forts some miles away. Selected by the Europeans and branded – only ½ survived. Place in underground dungeons or prisons until they were boarded on ships.

18 TRIANGULAR TRADE and The Middle Passage
As you watch the following video, learn about the Middle Passage.

19 Middle Passage Facts Tight packing - belly to back, chained in twos, wrist to ankle (660+), naked. Loose packing - shoulder to shoulder chained wrist to wrist or ankle to ankle. Men and woman separated (men placed towards bow, women toward stern). Fed once of twice a day and brought on deck for limited times. 12

20 Middle Passage Statistics
million Africans forcibly transported across the Atlantic from 2 million died during the Middle Passage (10-15%) Another 15-30% died during the march to the coast. For every 100 slaves that reached the New World, another 40 died in Africa or during the Middle Passage. 12

21 Legacy of Slavery 13 Agriculture Rice Sweet Potatoes Herding Basketry
Working Style (cooperative labor) Planting (heel to toe) Food Spices (red pepper, sesame, cajun) Okra, black eyed peas Dishes Gumbo, jambalaya Ash and hot cakes Sweet potato pie Music Banjo Drum Blues/Jazz Call and response Spirituals Religion Call and response patterns Emotional services Multiple spirits and souls Voodoo Tales and Words Trickster takes (Anansi the Spider, Brer Rabbit, Bugs Bunny) Words like bogus, bug, phony, yam, tote, gumbo, tater, jamboree, jazz. Creole Language 13


23 Exit Slip On a half sheet of paper, answer the following questions in complete sentences. How was the Columbian Exchange different from the Triangular Trade? How did the encomienda system contribute to the development of the Triangular Trade? What is the lasting impact of slavery? Hint: think of some modern issues we still struggle with.

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