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Elizabeth 1998 directed by Shekhar Kapur

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1 Elizabeth 1998 directed by Shekhar Kapur

2 Elizabeth Anne Boleyn, 1507-1536
We already know that Elizabeth was the second legitimate child of Henry VIII, king of England. His efforts to marry her mother led to the Protestant Reformation. She was raised as a Protestant by her father and step mothers. Her brother and then older sister inherited the throne. Henry VIII

3 Elizabeth When her mother was executed when she was 2 years old, Elizabeth was declared illegitimate. For the rest of her life, despite the fact that her father made her his heir, people threatened her power with this idea. She was well educated and very intelligent, and by the age of 8 she could read and write in English, Latin and Italian. She also learned Greek, Spanish, French and Flemish. ( Later she learned Welsh, Irish, Cornish and Scottish)

4 The Happy Family

5 Elizabeth As her father aged she and her brother were raised by their last step mother, Katherine Parr. When her father died, her brother became king, and his uncle, Edward Seymour became head regent. She stayed with her step mother, who remarried to Thomas Seymour. When her step father started looking at her inappropriately when she was about 14, she was sent away and she and her governess, Kat Ashley moved.

6 Hatfield House This is where they lived until they were both imprisoned because of Wyatt’s Rebellion. They were then sent to the Tower of London.

7 Wyatt’s Rebellion The Rebellion was trying to keep Mary off the throne because, She was Catholic Her husband, Philip II of Spain would be in power over England Lady Jane’s memory They captured Wyatt and tortured him trying to get him to implicate Elizabeth but he never did. It was unsuccessful and Grey and Wyatt were executed publicly. Four leaders of the rebellion against Queen Mary I- Sir Thomas Wyatt Sir James Croft Sir Peter Carew Henry Grey, Jane’s Dad

8 Elizabeth and Mary Philip and Mary
Elizabeth was held in the Tower and interrogated over and over but never admitted involvement and none could be proven. She was released after 6 months in the Tower and allowed to go back to Hatfield again. She became queen in 1558 when her sister died of a uterine tumor. (Philip II proposed to Elizabeth before her sister even died.)

9 Elizabeth Elizabeth was crowned when her sister died in Elizabeth was 25 years old. She was determined to stop the religious violence, and created a moderate policy , making England Protestant again, with herself at the head of the Church of England. Her policy was to reestablish Protestantism but not go after the Catholics if they recognized Protestantism as the dominant faith.

10 Elizabeth She reaffirmed commitment to the Book of Common Prayer, and made attendance at the Church of England a requirement, but didn’t attack people who would not come to Church because they were Catholic. She endured threats from Catholics in the kingdom and from other Catholic countries though. There were at least 5 plots on her life from Catholics who wanted to put her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots, on the throne. Rising in the North 1569 Regnans in Excelcius 1570 Ridolfi Plot 1571 Throckmorton Plot 1583 Parry Plot 1585 Babington Plot 1586

11 Elizabeth Many men wanted to marry her or were in love with her.
Step father Thomas Seymour Philip II of Spain Robert Dudley King Eric XIV of Sweden Archduke Charles of Austria Henry III of France Francis, Duke of Anjou

12 Elizabethan England She stopped the religious violence, strengthened the nation, started colonization, sent Dudley, Raleigh and Drake all over the world, stomped the Spanish Armada, and made peace with the Ottoman Turks. She was a politique- a name for rulers of the time who stopped the religious tensions to strengthen their countries and help their people.

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