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2019-04-04 BOND INVESTOR MEETINGS Danske Bank & SEB MARCH 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "2019-04-04 BOND INVESTOR MEETINGS Danske Bank & SEB MARCH 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda – Bond Investor Meetings
1 City of Gothenburg 2 Financial information 3 Funding strategy 4 Next bond issue 5 Q&A

3 Agenda – Bond Investor Meetings
1 City of Gothenburg 2 Financial information 3 Funding strategy 4 Next bond issue 5 Q&A

4 City of Gothenburg Employees 48 000 Inhabitants 526 054
City of Gothenburg Current status Employees Inhabitants Turnover SEK 48,0 bn Debt portfolio SEK 21,2 bn Derivative portfolio SEK 23,7 bn Aaa (2006) / AA+ (2007) Key points New funding Strategy Regular communication (investor meetings/www) Next bond issue

5 City of Gothenburg & Consolidated results
City of Gothenburg & Consolidated results

6 City of Gothenburg & Combined accounts
City of Gothenburg & Combined accounts Source: Annual report 2011

7 Agenda – Bond Investor Meetings
1 City of Gothenburg 2 Financial information 3 Funding strategy 4 Next bond issue 5 Q&A

8 Financial information
Annual Result Annual Result MSEK MSEK Meet the requirements made by the Local Government Act for good financial management

9 Financial information
Population Taxes & net costs Thousands BN SEK Growing population Net expenses rose faster than revenue for the second consecutive year.

10 Financial information
Revenues Investments BN SEK MSEK Small changes in revenues

11 Agenda – Bond Investor Meetings
1 City of Gothenburg 2 Financial information 3 Funding strategy 4 Next bond issue 5 Q&A

12 Funding strategy AA+ AA+ since 2007, stable outlook
Funding strategy AA+ AA+ since 2007, stable outlook Predictable and supportive institutional framework Dynamic local economy with solid growth prospects Very positive financial management Sound budgetary flexibility due to a high share of modifiable revenues Robust liquidity position Increasing deficits after capital accounts, owing to higher investments. Potential risks in an adverse scenario, given the very large, albeit mainly self-supporting, group of municipal companies.

13 Funding strategy AAA AAA since 2006, stable outlook
Funding strategy AAA AAA since 2006, stable outlook Track record of balanced budgets Rigorous budget controls Solid financial position with a very low, though increasing net debt burden as the bulk of the city’s debt is related to what to date have been on aggregate self-supporting companies Downside risks A loosening of the prudent budget discipline, resulting in a large increase of expenditures, and negative operating margins in combination with a high level of debt-financed investments could put pressure on the rating. Significant weakening of the importance of local government and consensus with the central government, regarding the delivery of public services, or a downgrade of the sovereign rating could place the rating under pressure.

14 Funding strategy Decided by City Council
Funding strategy Financial Policy Decided by City Council Monthly reports to City Council Subject to annual revision

15 Funding strategy EMTN EUR 3000m CP SEK 3000m ECP USD 200m
Funding strategy Loan structure EMTN EUR 3000m CP SEK 3000m ECP USD 200m Credit Line SEK 300m Bilateral loans SEK 7000m EIB Kommuninvest

16 Funding strategy Debt Portfolio SEK21.2bn

17 Funding strategy Nominal worth of SEK23.7bn
Funding strategy Derivative Portfolio Nominal worth of SEK23.7bn Managed for hedging purposes No speculative positions Comprehensive EMIR-preparations

18 Funding strategy Tax financed debt Tax financed debt will increase
Funding strategy Tax financed debt SEKbn Tax financed debt will increase

19 Funding strategy Group maturity structure
Funding strategy Group maturity structure SEKbn New funding strategy will change maturity profile External factors

20 Agenda – Bond Investor Meetings
1 City of Gothenburg 2 Financial information 3 Funding strategy 4 Next bond issue 5 Q&A

21 Next bond issue Fewer bond issues
Next bond issue Planned activities in 2013 Fewer bond issues Three issues planned for 2013 (EMTN Docs) Joint Lead mandates will be given Bids will be taken in a standard book building process We plan to issue benchmark size bonds We will maintain an open dialogue with investors to foster good transparency into the transaction(s)

22 Next bond issue Timing and Involved Parties Scheduled for March 2013
Next bond issue Timing and Involved Parties Scheduled for March 2013 Danske Bank & SEB EMTN documentation Structure Volume Benchmark size through book building Currency SEK Tenor 5Y Coupon Fixed / FRN

23 Agenda – Bond Investor Meetings
1 City of Gothenburg 2 Financial information 3 Funding strategy 4 Next bond issue 5 Q&A

24 Contact details
Magnus Borelius Head of Treasury magnus.borelius* Frida Svensson Portfolio Manager frida.svensson* Danijel Afolter Portfolio Manager danijel.afolter*

25 Q&A

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