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Ch 3 Guided Reading Answer Key

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1 Ch 3 Guided Reading Answer Key

2 1. When did humans discover farming?
At the end of the Stone Age, around 8,000 B.C.E.

3 2. What are the two parts of the Stone Age?
Old Stone Age New Stone Age

4 3. What were 3 benefits of learning how to farm?
A. creating a stable food supply (more than enough to eat, with extra set aside for trade or in times of drought) B. developing new skills to help improve quality of life C. permanent shelters = sturdier, safer

5 4. What is another term for the Neolithic Age?
New Stone Age

6 5. What is another name for the Old Stone Age?
Paleolithic Age

7 6. What was life like during the Old Stone Age?
Very difficult existence= always moving in search of food, temporary shelters, didn’t have a stable food supply

8 7.What is another name for the New Stone Age?
Neolithic Age

9 8. How was life different in the New Stone Age?
More people living together More food from *Agriculture *Domesticated animals and plants Better shelter Better tools Ppl working together Ppl learned specific skills and did different jobs (Called specialization of labor or division of labor)

10 9A. Where were many of the New Stone Age settlements?
The Fertile Crescent

11 9B. Why did people settle in this area? (Answer to 9A)
There was a lot of fertile soil which was great for growing crops

12 10. What is a stable food supply?
A food supply that is consistent and is enough for everyone, with some extra to store in case there is a problem such as a drought or natural disaster (tornado, hurricane, wildfire, etc)

13 11. What two ways did people develop a stable food supply?
Agriculture of plants (farming) Domestication of animals (keeping wild animals around that are useful) Examples: cows, sheep, goats, chickens, horses, dogs. These animals gave a supply of eggs & milk, & meat if necessary. Dogs/horses helped by herding and carrying heavy loads.

14 12. What were the benefits of permanent shelters?
gave people protection from harsh weather and wild animals Houses made life more comfortable People could cook food in new ways

15 13. What were the benefits of living in communities?
They could divide up the work of producing food and other things they needed Work together to complete tasks, giving them free time They could invent new ways of making their lives more comfortable and much safer

16 14. What new jobs were established because of people settling in one location?
Weavers basket makers toolmakers traders Clothing makers Stoneworkers House builders Traders

17 15. Why did people trade? to get resources they do not have in their own area To get materials that would improve the strength and beauty of the things they made

18 16. How did the traders get to other locations to make trades?
Walking Riding donkeys Sailing on ships (boats were simple)

19 17. What were the benefits of trade?
allowed people to make use of more resources  It also brought them into contact with people from distant places  These contacts helped spread ideas and knowledge throughout the ancient world.

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