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UML: Collaboration and Deployment Diagram

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1 UML: Collaboration and Deployment Diagram
4/4/2019 1

2 Copyright © 1997 by Rational Software Corporation
Use Case Realizations The use case diagram presents an outside view of the system Interaction diagrams describe how use cases are realized as interactions among societies of objects Two types of interaction diagrams Sequence diagrams Collaboration diagrams Copyright © 1997 by Rational Software Corporation 4/4/2019 20

3 Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram displays object interactions arranged in a time sequence : Student registration form registration manager math 101 math 101 section 1 1: fill in info 2: submit 3: add course(joe, math 01) 4: are you open? 5: are you open? 6: add (joe) 7: add (joe) 4/4/2019 21

4 Collaboration Diagram
A collaboration diagram displays object interactions organized around objects and their links to one another : Registrar course form : CourseForm theManager : CurriculumManager aCourse : Course 1: set course info 2: process 3: add course 4: new course 4/4/2019 22

5 The Physical World – Component Diagrams
Component diagrams illustrate the organizations and dependencies among software components A component may be A source code component A run time components or An executable component 4/4/2019 39

6 Component Diagram People.dll Course.dll Professor Student Course
Register.exe Billing.exe Billing System Course.dll People.dll Course User Course Offering Student Professor 4/4/2019 40

7 Component Diagram

8 Deploying the System The deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software processes living on them The deployment diagram visualizes the distribution of components across the enterprise. 4/4/2019 41

9 Deployment Diagram Registration Database Main Library Building Dorm
4/4/2019 42

10 Deployment Diagram (Order Processing System)

11 Example Deployment Diagram
The application is assumed to be a web based application which is deployed in a clustered environment using server 1, server 2 and server 3. The user is connecting to the application using internet. The control is flowing from the caching server to the clustered environment

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